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Why I love him...

Brian Thomas Littrell. The Backstreet Boy also known as Frick, Seaver, Mr. Joker...what is it about this boy that just makes me shiver in delight whenever I see him...why is this boy so addictive?

Well, to begin with.. let me tell you that I wasn't really a BSB fan back when they first started hitting it big. Yes I had heard their songs, and yes, I relatively knew who they were (okay...the only one I knew about was Nick and that was because every other gay boy I knew was drooling over him...but Nicky never sparked any interest for me...and so I never took up an interest in checking them out.)

At around this time I was also recieving a subscription to XY magazine (a gay youth magazine) and who else should appear on the cover of the October 1997 cover than our own Nicky. I paged through the magazine until I got to the photo/fashion spread they did and although Brian only appeared once on the first of the pages (which was a group picture...he and Kevin were the only ones that didn't do individual shots). There was just something about the boy that intrigued me and made me quest for more. Off and on I would continue to check out webpages on him...but didn't move any closer to the music.

Around this time, I was also in college and didn't do much television or radio listening and so I hadn't seen anything really concerning them... I guess you could say I was shielded from my indulgence. :) but then one day, I happened to see the videos for "Quit Playing Games" and "As Long As You Love Me" back-to-back.

I was familiar with who they were, but then it finally hit me that the guy I had looked at once in a while was right in front of me.. and the boy could sing! He was just adorable in these videos (not to mention wet, yummm LOL).

His vocals were just so charming, powerful, and beautiful... I had to hear more.. the next day I went out and got their album and loved it. But like any other good boy, I never said a word about my liking the Boys.

Then "Millenium" came out. A bigger, badder, just plain awesome piece of musical work. The first release had me hooked and that broke the dam. I was out getting everything I could in search of Brian. I have every video tape to catch every moment of his person, every cd to catch his every breathe uttered in song and speech. I wasn't obsessed, but I just couldn't get enough of the boy.

I think what I like best about him is that he seems so comfortable to be around. He doesn't seem arrogant or cocky, he's always so freespirited and talkative.. a very outgoing person when it comes to making someone smile or laugh.

In Samantha's book concerning him, she mentions how he hates his small size. But let me tell you.. that was one of the first things that attracted me to him. I'm a small guy myself and I just love guys who are around my size... I find them more tender and loving than those who are larger. He is just such a doll the way he is.. his proportions are perfect. Just so lovable!

He has a voice that can just take you away. He has such a smooth tone that can turn into a powerful emotion-jerker. You can seriously get lost if you're not careful. His speaking voice is just the cutest too...he's got that little southern drawl which is just adorable.

He's the most human of the boys in my opinion. I know by now all of you at least know a tiny bit concerning his heart condition (if not go here or here). To know this sort of information is not only sad in its own rights, but also gives more depth to the person...makes him more than just a backstreet boy. It shows he has his limits, that he's not perfect...that he is part of the real world. I'm not saying the condition's a good thing (which it isn't), but helps to lower him from that mile-high pedestal we can never reach to something more obtainable.

His love for friends, family and his beliefs is very admirable. He's brought his brother along with him throughout his European tour among others, and even wrote a song that was dedicated to his mother.. (How many music artists can you count that actually wrote and dedicated a song for their mother?).. That is just so incredibly sweet to do. He's wrote many a song concerning past relationships (particularly Stonebraker) and these instances just show how sentimental he is. To put down and immortalize your love for something in recorded song is very romantic in my opinion.

In everything I have ever seen or heard him in, he just appears to be so sweet. His personality proceeds him in that gorgeous smile and radiates throughout his baby blue eyes. He's pretty much what I look for in a guy and a lover, and that's why I love him so. When I'm lonely or in doubt, I can turn to him (only temporarily in picture and media only, sadly) ... and he'll be there for me.. .singing me a ballad, looking into my eyes, filling me with the pleasure of himself ... and it make it all better.

I admire the boy terribly, he's doing what he loves most in the world... singing and performing. If it were not for his cousin Kevin he probably would be still frying fish at Long John's and not a bit closer to the acclaim he has now. He took a chance, he jumped headfirst into something he wasn't altogether sure about and performed the following day after the initial phone call. And he has built a life on his love.. a dream I only hope I can accomplish. And even after his heart operation, he still goes on and performs...he still continues to do his thing. If that isn't love and determination, I don't know what is.

Heck, I know that there's pretty much no chance of me even getting to meet the boy...nonetheless the closest I can be to him is from the balcony seats of the concert arena through a pair of cheap binoculars, but at least through my videos, books, cds, and especially through this page...I can at least proclaim my respect and affections for him to share with you all. And that's all I really need (if I can't have him *wink*).

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--Established: November, 1999--