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Littrell Quotables

-On having a good sense of humor:
"I think you've got to take life day by day, and the more humor you find in everyday things, then the happier you'll be. My grandmother on my dad's side is nearly eighty, but she looks like she's fifty and acts likes she's thirty!"

-On best pal Nick:
"One thing is for sure. If Nick wasn't in the group, it just wouldn't be the same for me."

-On fans:
"Since we started, we've been really lucky with some of the people who support us---we've got some brilliant fans. There are loads who've stuck with us since the beginning, and most of them we know real well. We literally sit on the plane going, 'Oh, do you think Helen or Louise or whoever will be at the airport?'"

-On having his heart broken:
"I was two-timed by a girl in high school. I liked her and she liked someone else. I was disappointed, because she didn't turn out to be the girl I thought she was."

-On their early European success:
"Over there they had a bunch of what's called 'boy groups,' so we had a ready-made market. But since we were Americans, we were a fresh new sound for Europe."

-On Europe's competition:
"We were more than just a bunch of pretty guys. We could sing."

-On fans:
"I want everyone to realize that the fans always have been, and always will be, the most important thing. After all, we'd be nothing without them."

-On laughing:
"I've laughed so much that my stomach hurt.... When you are around a lot of people who are laughing and everyone laughs and the whole world joins in and no one can stop... it hurts!"

-On being happy:
"I guess I'm just a happy kind of guy. I don't see nay point in being miserable. Probably the only time you'll see me low is when I'm sick."

-On habits:
"I bite my fingernails---I've tried to stop but I can't. It bothers me because when I'm signing autographs, the girls are like, 'You bite your nails!'"

-On returning to the states:
"We finally have time to focus on our homeland. We got our start everywhere else, all over the world, except home, so it's time to just come back, relax a little bit, and focus on the US fans."

-On immaturity:
"You can be young once, but you can be immature forever."

-On embarrassing Nick:
"Once, we threw him out of the dressing room in his under-drawers in front of a whole bunch of girls. He got real mad, but it was really funny!"

-On Nick's fan status:
"...I think he probably has a more difficult time dealing with it than the rest of us, because he's the one who gets tugged on the most. If me and him are getting out of the bus at the same time, they'd probably go for him. That's why we all try to get off the bus with him - we push him out first so we can all walk right on past!"

-On Nick:
"Yeah, I'm proud of him, he's my little Frack!"

-On Playing in New York for the first time
"Before the show I was thinking, 'I'm not going to be nervous, it's just another show. I know it like the back of my hand.' And then, right before the curtain dropped, I was thinking, 'This is New York City! This is America. Not only is this America, this is New York City! I mean, how rough and tough can you get? How American can you get?'"

-On a Fan's Visit
"A little girl (from Europe) drove from Ohio [where she was visiting American relatives] to come visit my family in Lexington. They contacted my parents and they agreed to meet them for breakfast that day. Because she had went to all that trouble to bring a fan letter personally to my mother so I could get it, my mother would be like, 'Brian Thomas! You write that girl back!'"

-On television appearances
"It's great to be back home, call your mum up and say, 'Watch the show tonight, I'll be on.'"

-On an instance of forgetting lyrics
"I don't actually remember what he said. But I happened to look back at him [AJ] and I started laughing. I was supposed to be singing and I was like, 'What am I supposed to sing?' The verse started and I was going 'Da, da, da, da, da.'"

-On his fave way of relaxing
"Usually I go to the cinema with my friends. I never miss popcorn. I am a popcorn freak!"

-On Himself
"What you see is what you get. I'm very personable. I'm very open. I can be very friendly, very emotional...ummm...those are just some of the qualities I'm a comedian. I love to make people laugh"

-On AJ
"Aj is a gentleman who never shuts his mouth"

`There are always going to be skeptics. ... If they were to come to a show, to really take the time to listen to the songs on the album and read the liner notes ... we are different people than we´re sometimes looked upon.´´

-On how BSB will keep from going the way of NKOTB, et al.:
`We´ve always focused on our music. We could never (write and produce every song) in the beginning because we were kids. With the experiences we´ve had in the studio, it´s benefited us.´

-On visiting New York:
Big Apple here we come - Brian

-On The Spice Girls' age lies:
Lying about your age!

-On the comparison of Nick's age to his height
He is really 13 and 6 feet tall

-On his health vs. his surgery you kinda weigh your career as opposed to your life and what's important to you. So I think it was a realization for each and every one of us in the group, because of the fact that what is most important in having careers aside your life and being able to enjoy it with family and friends, but this so called, whatever you want to call it sitting up here on this stage, it means nothing. It means absolutely nothing if you don't have your health and well-being and being happy doing what you're doing.

-On his background/heritage
I'm a mutt.

-There was a set up was for these few girls to sing, dance or do trivia for the guys. These poor girls ruined their songs. You have to watch AJ's mouth to see his response to Brian's question. I think by this time they had all seen enough. Nick hides behind his water so they can't see him laughing. Brian being silly again.

Do they need a microphone? - Brian No, no they don't - AJ

-On his favorite pasttime
I like to compete, um I like all sports, but basketball's my favorite definitely.

-Realizing just how tired he is
Whoa I'm tired.

- Looks like a field goal to me Bob

- Showing his competitiveness
I'm ten pins from tying AJ so I have to get a strike.

- After missing the strike
Awwww, I blew it.

- On the depth of their music
The Backstreet Boys aren't just for 9 and 10 year old little girls running around.

- After Bri found out Howie had a worse job than he did at LJS's
You didn't tell me about that

- When Bri has a song he wants to sing, don't argue :)
No, we are doing this one. We don't have much time. Shhhh.

- Is he shy?
I don't think so.

- On dreams..
I always have a reaccuring dream that I'm playing basketball somebody is throwing me a pass and the ball is coming at my face and I reach my hands up and wake myself up.

- On swimming in the raw
You, you mean going swimming in the raw? Skinny-dipping? It's called skinny-dipping in the US...The water had to be warm.

- On promises of food...
I'm just, facts are facts you know they said 5 minutes and its been about 5 minutes and 35 seconds and we haven't stopped yet.

- On American fast food in other countries.
Does McDonald's take American money here?...That's wonderful.

- On protectiveness...well, sort of..
He is staying with me tonight. Cause I'm his guardian - Brian
You are not my guardian - Nick
I'm his big brother and I'm gonna knock him out - Brian

- On Nick's Nintendo obsession.
He is a nintendo freak, he's a freakazoid - Brian

- On watching out for Nick's overspending.
I'll have to pay for Nick's bills probably

- On Aj's minibar compulsion.
Stop talking about the minibar...He has a $200 bill everytime.

- Compared to other "boy bands"
We really sing

On his hair situation for the "Everybody" video.
I didn't have the concept for this hair

- On himself...
Outgoing, sensitive, genuine, goodhearted, wow let me pat myself on the back

- On the set of ALAYLM
I got my hat back, now I gotta change my accent, good Lord

- Emphasizing his fear of heights.
You will probably see me riding this rollercoaster, but in reality I'm not going to ride this rollercoaster. So you will see me in the highlights, I ain't gonna be on the rollercoaster, I'm gonna have a stunt double.

- At dance rehearsal
It's not that complicated. It's not complicated at all, its very easy, relaxed, but if they knew I was talking to you, I would get in trouble

- Realizing he's doing all the talking.
Ok, I'm gonna quit hosting the show now.

- Arguing with Howie when he warns Bri that it is bad luck to open an umbrella indoors
I'm not gonna open it all the way, I'm just gonna show the beauty.

- On a misdirected call...
I was answering some calls and I got line one and this lady said "well, I'm already talking to somebody". I said "Okay then, I'll put you back on hold".

- On a younger girl calling from a cellular..
You're talking on a cell phone and you're how old?

- A point to ponder..
"When you love someone, put there name in a circle, not a heart because hearts can be broken but circles go on forever"

- On relationships...
"Don't wait for the one you can live with, wait for the one you can't live without."

-On being normal...
"Basketball is about as close as normal as we can get."

-On a bad relationship...
"No man is worth your tears and the one that is won't make you cry."

-On sillyness...
"The world's a stage some act the fool."

-Just something cute..
"It's phat ta death, man."

-A play on words...
"Sex on the TV isn't good... you can fall off."

-Being silly..
"Looks like a field goal to me, Bob."

-On the other group members
"I am married to these guys."

-An early intro of himself
"Hi! My name is Brian, but uh you can call me B-rok, cuz I'll be rockin your house..."

-Another intro..
"Hi I'm B-Rok of the Backstreet Boys, Jim Carrey wannabe."

-On punctuality and hunger..I love this one
"Facts are facts, you guys said 5 minutes and it's been 5 minutes and 35 seconds and we haven't stopped!"

-On attempting to guess a favorite of AJ..
"AJ's so fickle though."

-about N Sync signing onto their record lable..
"Well what do you think about it?"~Brian asks fan
"N Sync Sucks!"~fan
"Ohhh, yeah what you said."~Brian he was just kidding though of course!

-Leighanne on Brian
"I didn't know men with hearts of gold still existed, but I was proven wrong when I walked onto the set of 'As Long As You Love Me.' Everyday since then has been a blessing. He is the love of my life."

-Another point to ponder...real cute
"I want to know why when I wave they go AHHHH"

-Brian to the camera on the Bball court
"I like you & everything, but ya'll gonna have to get out of the way"

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--Established: November 1999--