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Articles and Such

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Articles & Such

Brian marries on Sept. 2nd 2000- I'm not sure where this article first was seen, but it provides a wonderful description of Brian and Leighanne's wedding. Congrats to them!

Transcript of Brian and Leighanne at a charity golf tournament - A touching transcript of the love in the Littrell family from a news show.

Brian Gives Us His Story - Brian tells his story in his very own words.

Goin' to the Chapel - An article featured in People magazine giving us info on the newly engaged members of the Boys! Really good article..very positive...well, as a start. :)

Mandy Moore on the Difference Between the BSBs and NSync - Like it states, the girl has toured with both groups and here she is to tell us the differences and the similarities of our Boys

Two Backstreet Boys Ready Wedding Bells - Well, the rumor has come to fruition and here is the introductory article which spilled the good news of the cousins' engagements!

Coming of Age - A wonderful article with the boys discussing how hard it is for respect to be given in their business. From the CDNow site.

Brian Littrell: Confidential - A spotlight section dedicated to our own B-ROK.

Interview with Frick and Frack - A spririted interview with the best of buds..Brian and Nicky.

Backstreet Blitz - An article appearing in The Knoxville News Sentinel following the BSBs concert in Knoxville.

Connecting Dreamers, Boys Took a Few Detours - An article consisting of two sections. The first being the Boys gracious meeting of two critically ill kids here in Knoxville, and the second concerning ticket scalping.

The Backstreet Boys: Front and Center - An article from Young & Modern concerning the boys and their escalated stardom since their new album release.

Backstreet Boys Shoot New Video While Tickets Go On Sale - This article gives you a little insight as to what the new "Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely" video will be like.

Littrell Buddy Describes Thrill as Backup Vocalist - Nice article concerning Brian's old best friend in Kentucky's experience onstage with him.

Backstreet Boys Fatten Wallets - Article talking about the Boys new deal with Jive after NSync's addition.

Backstreet Homeboy Basks in Glow - Article commenting on Brian's concert and return visit to his hometown.

Profile Brian Littrell: The Life of Brian - Great article which tells plenty of info on Brian growing up..not only from himself but from his family as well.

Backstreet Boys Management Seeks Removal Of 700 eBay Ticket Auctions - Informative article concerning The Firm's efforts at halting BSB tickets being auctioned at eBay.

All in the Family - A very cute and humorous interview between Brian and Kevin concerning their childhood together... Kevin's personal memories of our little B-Rok!

Winners Take All - An excellent article from the pages of the notorious Rolling Stone dropped-pants edition featuring the Boys as the Readers Poll Artists of the Year. This again, is a great article.

Pop Star To Perform at T-blades Game - Short article announcing Brian singing the National Anthem. Teams Up With Backstreet Boys to Webcast Spring 2000 North American Tour - An informative article giving us the great info that certain concerts will be broadcast by pay-per-view and online goodies too!.

Teddy Bear Auctions - A copy of an advertisemnt dealing with a charity auction event where stars have signed teddy bears bid on ... which also includes our boys.

Burger King signs deal with Backstreet Boys - An article giving us the goods on Burger King's affiliation with the Boys and their new album/next tour.

A Revealing Look at Two Top-Selling Boy Bands - A transcript from an interview with Chris Cuomo on 20/20 concerning the top two Pearlman creations!.

The Backstreet Project - Yes that's right, the boys are going to be a comic book. Associated with Stan Lee..the comic will be started mid February!

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--Established: November, 1999--