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“I went to Mexico on vacation and got a bit of a stomach virus. When I came back, I went on a first date but started to feel sick and had to cut it off quite abruptly. I didn’t really explain the situation, so she probably thought I ditched her. But some things are just better kept private.” That’s okay, Jerry…a date with you for any amount of time would be wonderful!

What does Jerry think about fans who still think of him as Vern from Stand By Me? He says, “ It’s a terrific feeling. You’re walking in Old Town Pasadena, and somebody goes, ‘Hey! The fat kid from Stand By Me!”

Jerry says last summer at a Atlanta Braves game, “Some guy in the stands stood up and yelled ‘He’s the guy who left Jerry Maguire!’ I thought he and his friends were going to throw beer on me! I was like, ‘People, it was a movie!'"

Jerry apparently prefers East Coast girls to West (Yea for me!). He says, “I don’t mean to generalize. There are nice girls in L.A. I just get a little sick of the model-actress thing…I’m not really shy around women…unless they’re with a large man who looks like a kickboxer"

Actor, writer, and producer? Is this the kind of career Jerry wants? “I’d like to do all of the above. When they’re writing kissing scenes for you and Neve Campbell, acting is a lot better than writing and producing. My character gets kissed more than I get kissed.”

I'm not a brave guy. Movies like Scream 2 scare me. I don’t take dates to horror films, because then they’ll see what a coward I am,” Jerry admits.

Jerry, on his little brother Charlie: “He’s an inch taller than me. He always one-upped me in sports.” (Charlie did just win the All Star League on MTV.)

“I’m not looking for superstardom. I don’t need any of that. I’d just like to make a living at acting.” This guy is so down-to-earth; it’s great!

What other people say about Jerry O’Connell:

Neve Campbell explains what it was like having Jerry as her co-star (playing her boyfriend, lucky her!) in Scream 2. “He creates a wonderful atmosphere on the set. There was a scene in which he had to sing to me, out of tune. About 150 extras had to listen to him all day long. When we wrapped, he thanked everyone for putting up with his voice and offered to take them out on the town, which he did.” sweet! If I was an extra I would love listening to him and enjoy every minute of it!

Cathy Konrad, the producer of Scream 2, says “He did a little vocal number at the audition, so he got to showcase the talent. He just went for it. When studio [executives] saw it, they went nuts. They said, ‘Get him now.’ ”

Coming soon…What Mark McGrath has to say about Jerry O’Connell

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