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My Type

'Cause Donna's Idea Was A Little Off...

Matthew Perry

Ok, the persona this guy presents 
on-screen would be perfect for me.
Cute & dorky. Always makes me laugh.
And the A little too scrawny in 
early seasons of Friends, but he looked fantastic
late in the series. Even when he was
considered "overweight" by most.  

Jeremy Piven

Another guy whose typical on-screen 
persona is perfect for me. Uber-friendly, 
kinda goofy, very funny. Laid back & just an 
all-around nice guy. Plus, he's got a little bit of
that "take me home and give me a bath" look 
about him with the permanent 5 o'clock shadow...
(Not to mention he fits perfectly into the 
middle-aged, balding, Jewish theme 
we discovered the other night...)

Jason Biggs

Donna, if you didn't guess that he'd 
be here, just close the window. 
You don't know me at all. 
And look how scrumptious he's gotten
lately! He's gaining a little weight...
lost some of the awkwardness. But still
looks absolutely adorable. YUM!


Nicholas Brendan

Well, he was too scrawny in 
early seasons, but by the end of Buffy,
he was a perfect example of the body type
I like. But his hair was too long. So I went 
with this pic, which shows an in-between look.
And the goofy Xander personality? Parfait!

Joshua Jackson

Wait! What's he doing here?
Granted, he hits a little too close
 to the "pretty frat boy" look sometimes. 
But in the later seasons of DC
--especially the series finale-- 
he was perfect. 
And he looks great with stubble 
(although that beard was a mistake). 
But what makes him fit in here? 
Once again, we have the 'class clown'/goofy 
personality. 'Cause we know I love to laugh.

Rory Cochrane of Recent Years

Way too scrawny when he first came onto 
the scene in Dazed & Confused 
(with long hair...ech!) and Empire Records. 
But lately, he's filled out, and that's great.
Another one who looks fantastic 
with 5 o'clock shadow.
Plus, every girl's gotta have a bad boy on her list.

Because English majors must have a conclusion. 

So what's my type? 

Nice. Relatively intelligent. 
Bigger (broader) body. 
Dark hair...the shorter the better.
Ability to look good with stubble a plus.
Average cuteness: 
A little rough around the edges is good,
but enough of the Boy-Next-Door Look
to where he won't give my hoity-toity
family a heart attack.

What more could a girl want?