RFF Archives

Today's date is:

Last updated:

Monday, June 12, 2000

Look! It's us!

(This image of Caitin Shortclaw and Icefang Howler is ©C.B.S., 2/00.)

Welcome to the Redwall Fan Fiction Archives Page! This is where you can view the fanfics from the board rescued from the forgotten realms of old posts and deleted files, as well as those that are on their way to being completed. All of the finished fanfics and chapters that are recorded and open to view to the public have first been viewed by the archives keepers and are each rated based on the movie rating scale. The stories and fanfics are listed in alphabetical order by author then title. Please enjoy your time spent here and remember to comment the authors on their hard work!

The Fanfics...

Current Authors: Amberdulen, Catamount, Cloudleaper, DBIII, Fiver, Gabe Icefang, Kadharonon, Mattirose, Shytalon, Slashfang, Snitter, Steelshine, Tsarmina, and Urthstripe.

Rated: PG-13/R

This is currently a project in the works. At best, the entire RFF Board will be authoring it, taking turns writing chapters. At the moment, we are still in the planning stage, but have compiled the bios of the members of the board to make a Character Handbook for the benefit of both the writer and the reader. Those listed above in the "Author" section have submitted an entry to the Handbook. We have finally begun the PAS!This fanfic has started and a Character Handbook has been created. Chapters One through Three are currently the newest entries.(5.23.00)

Author: Amberdulen

Rated: PG-13

This fanfic, written in two parts, is about a young searat who is taken in by Redwallers after being separated from his parents. Far off on Terramort Isle, where a pyromanic searat has built a new fortress, the same cycle of mutiny and treachery occurs, and it's up to fate what the destiny of these beasts will be. Redwall and all related places and themes are ©Brian Jacques.This fanfic is finished, but only the chapters up to Part One, Chapter Three have been prepared for viewing.

Author: Caitin

Rated: PG

This is a story in five parts about the final years of Redwall in Mossflower: the first part is the tale of a fox warlord who tries to take over Redwall; the second is about an insane stoat who wants to wipe Redwall off the face of Mossflower; the third is the story of a ferret who wants to take the Redwallers as slaves and destroy the abbey; the fourth is about the Redwallers' escape from Redwall to the South where it is safe; and the final part tells of the rebuilding of Redwall Abbey in the South, where it finds itself under attack by a murderous fox whose only thoughts are on revenge and hatred. Additionally, "The Last Years Quintology" is the prequel to "StarFox: Redwall", and goes more indepth about the time between the last book of the Redwall series and the future. Redwall and all related places, names, and themes are ©Brian Jacques. This fanfic is finished, and only chapters that are ready for viewing have been posted. Chapter Eleven is currently the newest entry. (5.5.00)

Authors: Caitin and Icefang

Rated: PG-13

This may seem just to be the furry version of Armageddon, but it only takes the major idea from the movie. The scene is set in 1999 and all life on Loamhedge teeters over the edge of oblivion, for a meteor headed straight towards the planet could mean the end of everything... but that doesn't stop anybeast from trying to do something about it. The astronomer Amber Rosé and retired Air Force veteran Marcus Woodclaw team up with a seemingly unlikely crew to take on the threat to all animality. Armageddon the movie is trademark Touchstone Pictures ©1998. Redwall and all related places and themes are ©Brian Jacques. All other characters and places are ©Kevin J. Donnell and ©C. M. Kawamoto. This fanfic is not finished, but chapters that are ready for viewing have been posted. Chapter Five is currently the newest chapter. (5.5.00)

Author: Icefang

Rated: PG

This fanfic is a crossover of the original Redwall series and the Starfox and Starfox 64 games by Nintendo. It is one of the rare varieties of the futuristic Redwall genre, and takes place far into the future and long past since Redwall Abbey was destroyed. Additionally, "StarFox: Redwall" is the sequel to "The Last Years Quintology" and begins many centuries after "TYLQ" ends. StarFox® and all related names, places, and characters are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. ©1997. Redwall and all related names, places, and themes are ©Brian Jacques. All other characters and places are ©C. M. Kawamoto. This fanfic is not finished, but chapters that are ready for viewing have been posted. Chapter Six is currently the newest chapter. (3.16.00)

Author: Mattirose

Rated: G

Here's one of Mattirose's short stories that she is famous for writing because of their quality and interest in the reader to want more, and this is no exception. A brief window to someone's life and desire for another, this short story is based on the song, "Possesion". The lyrics of "Possession" are ©Sarah McLachan.

Author: Slashfang

Rated: PG

This short story, with the song "Promises" as the base foundation upon which it is built, is the story of an unnamed Badgerlord in a long line of many who has finally realized the true power and darkness of the Bloodwrath. The lyrics of "Promises" are ©Lyle Lovett. Redwall and all related themes are ©Brian Jacques.

  • Adventures of Erin and Apollo

    Author: Snitter

    Rated: PG-13

    This fanfic centers on two young beasts, Erin, a young fox kept away from the civilized world for most of her life, and Apollo, an orphaned young hare prince kept away from society for most of his life. It is a story of tragedy, comedy, and true Redwallian adventure, and is Snitter's latest piece of work. Erin is ©Gloria Higginbottom and Apollo is ©Alex McConnehay. This fanfic is not finished, but chapters that are ready for viewing have been posted. Chapter Twenty through Twenty Three are currently the newest entries. (5.2.00)

    Author: Snitter

    Rated: PG

    Author's Note: This story was inspired by a dream I had some nights ago that scared the snot out of me. I had to change the character's names a little bit (the original characters were my own, which I did not want to use here), but this is pretty much the way it went. (Redwall and all related themes are ©Brian Jacques.)

    Author: Tsarmina

    Rated: PG

    "The Denied" is a short story about the hidden dark side of Redwall that nobody has ever explored but that Tsarmina has dared to. While most people associated Redwall with happy, cheery beasts that fight only when the need arises, Tsarmina has shown that every coin has a second side and that the true evil manifesting Redwall is not without but within. This short story has appeared in the Janurary issue of Ember Trillwind's "Redwall Online" webzine. Redwall and all related themes are ©Brian Jacques.

    Author: Urthstripe

    Rated: PG-13

    This short story is one of Urthstripe's few publications, but it is no less a wonderful short story than any other in the archives. It is an intriguing story with a simple yet strong plot and a haunting repetitiveness, as with most good short stories of this type. This short story even made an appearance on the first issue of Ember Trillwind's "Redwall Online" webzine! Redwall and all related titles, places, and themes are ©Brian Jacques.

    The Updates...

    Big thanks to those of you so far who have contributed to the RFF Archives page. Keep writing those fanfics and short stories, and to those of you non-members of the RFF Board, keeping reading and commenting, and check out Tsarmina's message board at the link below. New members are always welcome!

    Since the update on March 8th, the picture of Icefang and Caitin have been added at the top of the page drawn by CBS of the RWOnline Webzine. (Cool, huh?) On March 13th, the new fanfiction currently without a title and known as "The RFF Board PAS Fanfic" had new entries added to the Character Handbook. On March 14th, the addition of the Archives Guestbook was made. (Sign in and tell us what you think of the RFF Archives!) On June 12th, Chapter Four of the RFF Board Fanfic ("Uprising") and Slashfang's short story, "Promises," was added to the Archives.

    Starting to get bored of just fanfics by our beloved friends from the RFF Board? If you aren't yet, even better, 'cause soon we'll have artwork by the RFF Board members on the Archives! Do you have artwork you'd like to have available for viewing? Send them to the Archives keeper and he'll get them up for you!

    As most of you already know, the head archives keeper was been made fiction coordinator for Ember Trillwind's "Redwall Online" magazine. This is an open call for anyone with completed fanfics that would like to have them reviewed or short stories that they would like to appear in the magazine, send them in to Icefang Howler and he will get to them as soon as possible. Click on the link below to see the June issue of Redwall Online today!

    Got any suggestions for the Archives? Of course, it's obvious: right now, it doesn't look all that great... For this place to have the best appearance and layout, we think it should look the way the readers want it to. Therefore, if there's any way that you think we should improve the Archives, such as arrangement of the fanfics, more links, better background, or some graphics, sign in the guestbook and tell us! Help us make this place look better!

    Our archives will soon have all of your favorites, new fanfics, classics, and other great writings from the Redwall Fanfiction Board. If you have any requests to see a story in the archives that you may have heard about, e-mail one of the archive keepers with the title and someone we can contact or sign our guestbook and suggest any stories you think we should have. Visit us at the RFF Board!

    ~*Icefang Howler*~

    Caitin Shortclaw, Lord of Paladin Castle

    Tsarmina's RFF Board

    Tsarmina's Library

    RWOnline Magazine

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    This The Mossflower Webring site owned by Icefang Howler (C.M. Kawamoto) and Caitin Shortclaw (K.J. Donnell).

    This Mossflower Webring site is owned by Icefang Howler (C.M. Kawamoto) and Caitin Shortclaw (K.J. Donnell).

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