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Hinau Ridge Farm Estate

Sheltered buidling site

natural bush wetland development

- Lot 3 - $195,000 -





Lot 3








Sheep currently graze on the building site. This is a very sheltered spot looking out over the farm to the protected native bush, the pine plantation on the back of the ridge and the farm activity around the wool shed. The building site is bounded by a constantly running stream.

It is reached by a metaled right of way.

The building site sits in a sheltered spot at the end of the metalled drive. Walk down past this plateau to an area of native bush and natural wetlands. This may be further developed into a stunning natrual garden or left as in its natural state

The total land area is approximately 1.8 hectares.

 the house on the hill


over 100 sq km of view

 Email Hinau Ridge