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The Angels are stooping
Above your bed;
They weary of trooping
With the whimpering dead.

God's laughing in heaven
To see you so good;
The Shining Seven
And gay with His mood.

I kiss you and kiss you,
My pigeon, my own;
Ah, how I shall miss you
When you have grown.
W.B. Yeats

Angels at the foot,
And Angels at the head,
And like a curly little lamb,
My pretty babe in bed.

Christina Rossetti

Hush my dear, lie still and slumber!
Holy angels guard thy bed!
Heavenly blessings without number,
Gently falling on thy head.

Isaac Watts

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
The bed be blessed that I lie on.
Four angels to my bed,
Four angels round my head,
One to watch, and one to pray,
And two to bear my soul away.


In Heaven a spirit doth dwell
'Whose heart-strings are a lute';
None sing so wildly well
As the angel Israfel,
And the fiddy stars (so legends tell),
Ceasing their hymns, attend the spell
Of his voice, all mute.

And they say (the starry choir
And the other listening things)
That Israfeli's fire
Is owing to thay lyre
By which he sits and sings-
The trembling living wire
Of those unusual strings.

If I could dwell
Where Israfel
Hath dwelt, and he where I,
He might not sing so wildly well
A mortal melody,
While a bolder note than this might swell
From my lyre within the sky.

Edgar Allan Poe

We feel so sad when those we love,
Are called to live in "The Home Above",
But they have but gone to prepare the way,
And we'll meet them again some happy day,
For God has told us that nothing can sever,
A life He created to live on forever,
So let God's promise soften our sorrow,
And give us new strength for a brighter tomorrow.


Guardian Angel,
You are God's gift to me,
And with your help,
One day, His face, I'll see.
He created you,
Not to walk this earth,
But to guide me through,
To my rebirth.

In being born again,
I will come to understand,
That, I too, am a part,
Of God's divine plan.

In His Will,
I will learn to live and reside,
Thankful that you,
Are always at my side.

Author Unknown

One night a man had a dream.
He drempt he was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Across the sky, flashed scenes from his life.
For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand.
One belonged to him, and the other to the Lord.
When the last scene of his life flashed before him,
he looked back at the footprints in the sand.
He noticed that many times along the path of his life,
There was only one set of footprints.
He also noticed that it happened to be at the very
Lowest and saddest times of his life.
This really bothered him and he questioned the Lord
about it. "Lord, you said that once I decided to
follow you, you'd walk with me all the way.
But I have noticed that during the most troublesome
times of my life, there is only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why, when I needed you the most
you would leave me."
The Lord replied, "My precious, precious child,
I love you and would never leave you.
During your times of trials and suffering,
when you see only one set of footprints, it was
then that I carried you."


When I must leave you for a little while,
Please do not grieve and shed wild tears,
And hug your sorrow to you through the years,
But start out bravely with a gallant smile;
And for my sake and in my name,
Live on and do all the things the same,
Feed not your loniliness on empty days,
But fill each waking hour in useful ways,
Reach out your hand in comfort and in cheer,
And I in turn will comfort you and hold you near;
And never, never be afraid to die,
for I am waiting for you in the sky!


When gods calls little children
To dwell with Him above,
We mortals sometimes question
The wisdom of His love.

For no heartache compares with
The death of one small child,
Who does so much to make our world,
Seem wonderful and mild.

Perhaps God tires of calling,
The aged to His fold,
So He picks a rosebud,
Before it can grow old.

God knows how much we need them,
And so he takes but a few,
To make the land of heaven,
More beautiful to view.

Believing this is difficult,
Still somehow we must try,
The saddest word mankind knows,
Will always be "Goodbye."

So when a little child departs,
We who are left behind,
Must realize God loves children,
Angels are hard to find.

Author Unknown

Angel In Your Pocket

I am a tiny Angel
I'm smaller than your thumb
I live in people's pockets
That's where I have my fun.

I don't suppose you've seen me
I'm too tiny to detect
Though I''m with you all the time
I doubt we've ever met.

Before I was an Angel
I was a fairy in a flower
God, Himself, hand-picked me
And gave me Angel Power.

Now, God has many Angels
That He trains in Angel pools
We become His eyes, ears, and hands
We become His special tools.

And because God is so busy
With way too much to do
He said that my assignment
Is to keep close watch on you.

When He tucked me in your pocket
He blessed you with Angel care
Then told me never to leave you
And I vowed always to be there.



Graphics by:
Chry's Angel Pages

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