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The Rrrr

Thursday, July 19, 2001

Hi, yeah, sorry about not updating my site for three weeks. I have a good excuse...I was lazy.'s good. So let's see I have to type something here. Sorry about my guestbook not showing up. I'm gonna get a new guestbook if conditions don't improve. Believe me, no one regrets it as much as me...
Go see Legally Blonde. cute movie. And who is that blonde woman that's been showing up in movies as a backup character a lot more recently? She was in Pootie Tang and Down to Earth, and now Legally Blonde. Ah well, I think she's fun. Summer has been great. It's been a round of vegging out and going places with my friends. Since I finished summer school I have no real obligations until sophomore year starts. (Well actually i do, but that's because I'm on my way to getting a permit, but that's not work...I'll be driving!!!). But, as odd as it seems, I'm almost looking forward to school. I ordered some slammin clothes (they always cheer me up) and they came in yesterday, plus I'm reading A Seperate Peace, which is what the Pre AP English people should be reading over the summer. I'm enjoying it.

I got in a very bored-yet-productive mood yesterday and today. The result:
my room is obsessivly clean and stylish
my bed is made
my odd nicknacks have been rearranged for optimimum veiwing
the "I Have a Dream" is taped, in it's entirety in 25 pages to my ceiling
my French is slightly more up to standards
every available surface, including floors, is shiny
my whole house smells like Old English or something
my shoes are neatly aligned, those most worn in the front row
my 31 nail polish bottles are lining my other desk in progressive shades of creams to pinks to reds to magentas to purples to blues to greens to yellows to golds to silvers to whites to clears

Do you see why I'm ready to get busy again?

Wow. My light fixture suspiciously resembles a turnip.

Thursday, June 28, 2001

Ahhh, today was a good day. Only I was kinda sleepy but that was ok. Maggie called me yesterday saying she was back in town and then invited herself over to my house :) But that's ok she has privileges ;) So we stayed up until close to 5am talking last night, and this morning we both had appointments to stuff. I had an orthodontist appointment at 11:30 this morning. They tightened my braces, which is always fun, and then they added the elastics. Satanic little rubber bands. I haven't had braces very long. I swear, little by little there is this whole conspiracy to wire my entire mouth shut. I can't open it any more than a half a centimeter now. But I can still say rrrr to express myself, so that's all that matters.

A little later I went and bought a new swim suit, you know, the kind with shorts. But still they were swim shorts so they were very tight and very short and I kind wish I were wearing my old swim suit, I'll just trade off now I guess. I'm extremely self consious about my butt. Afterwards, I went swimming at Adamson Lagoon with Kate, and it was mondo fun. They built a new water slide, so we went down both of them, very amusing. They are the really big, really long, really curvy ones. yeah! That's about all I can type, because little sleep and a lot of swimming makes Grace tired.

Goodnight and Bon nuit,

Monday, June 25, 2001

I finished summer school today!! yay me. I took the test on the last module, then they gave me a slip to get signed, then they told me to go take the Health final. I was like "can I study a little bit first?" (I'm a study-o-holic by the way) and the teacher just kinda shrugged and just said "pssh, you don't need to study" and she made it sound like the the most ludicrous idea in the world. She was right though. I took the final and...really not a brain teaser y'know? I just think it's so funny when teachers say stuff like that, especially in that tone. It kinda reminds me of the time I got my first B and the teacher had to take me out in the hall and tell me grades weren't everything. Silly her. She's right all went down hill from there with Grace :) The thing is, people don't understand what I'm saying when I say grades don't matter. They think I mean that grades absolutly totally don't matter, that you can just blow things off and everything will be peachy. I'm not an idiot, people. I know that grades determine what college you get in to and whether or not you'll get certain scholarships, so spare the speech. What I'm saying is that truly exceptional, intelligent, successful people aren't always the ones who made A's. As a matter of fact, there are just as many wildly successful former B and C students out there as there are former A students. Sure, good grades get you far in high school, but high school isn't real life. And no matter what college you go to, it still isn't real life. It will have a major impact obviously, but when you get out, what's going to matter is your drive, what you learned and have you're going to use it. Have a dream, and follow that with a passion, make that your life and you will make your life. I know it sounds cliche and idealistic, but, eat me, it's the truth. It's just sad to see really smart people going to regular classes so that they can get the grades, but they go unchallenged, and unbenifited (if that's a word). No one ever lays on their death bed saying "hmmm, I wish I had made an A+ on that physics exam." I'd bet money though that some one has lain there saying, "I wish I hadn't conformed to society's idea of success, and in the process muffled my own happiness."

Ahem, well, I'm stepping off my soapbox now. I highly recomend summer school too, because it's really easy and self paced and it takes, what, a week? A week of peace and quiet and the absence of nagging disgainful teachers' voices' (well most of the the time), as compared to thiry-six weeks of total pointless busywork. And, it gives you a sense of acocmplishment where I've always found a void before during summer. Ahhhh...nice.

I had a fiasco with Andy and Arpit and Ashley and me tonight too. We went to the MSC and bowled. Y'know what? I think I'd be a good bowler if I did it more often. I've gone maybe 3 times in my life, but once I warmed up after the first gutterball, it was really alright. And then...I learned to play pool! It is so fun, and I want to do it again. Of course, me being the newbie, I'd never played pool either, so I learned. It's a lot easier than I thought, cause this time they told me how to actually hold the long sticky thing. So yeah.

Cya lata,

Sunday, June 24, 2001

Hey y'all! I reallized I kinda have the pattern of not updating for a few days, then having a really long entry describing the past few days. Ah well. If I didn't do that a lot of my entries would be very boring and if they have points now...but moving on: I had another very freaky dream last night. It started out in some type of Miss America-type Pageant, and I was in it. Right, just FYI, I wouldn't be caught dead smearing vaseline on my teeth, feeling guilty about everything I eat, wrapping Saran Wrap around my upper thighs, screwing a permanent fake smile on my face and trying to convince everyone what a wonderful person I am. But anyway, I was in this pageant and I was a finalist along with four or five girls that I must have just created with my consiouness because I had never seen any of them in my life. We were taking a trip to where they were judging the "final few" and we got in a wreck at my grandmother's house. For some reason she was starting to get really mad at us, which is weird too, because I've never seen her mad in all the 15 years of my life, and we started taking her and all these old ladies and tying ropes around their waists and throwing them off buildings. Hehe it was fun, at least they though so. And then one of us, who for some reason was a guy, started getting bad and then he put on the costume from Scream, except without the mask, and he put on my shoes and ran away. Some how I mangaged to deck him and get one shoe back, but then he escaped We all went inside my grandmother's house because it was raining, and he kept running back to the window to scare us, and we kept pretending like we were going to stab him. Actually it was this other guy who appeared who was doing to pseudo stabbing, ah well it's all very odd. I remember I kept being mad because, well dangit, he had my shoe!! %^*&#$%@! And then I had a dream the night before I was running through the jungle carrying this baby that kept growing as I carried it and I was being chased by this villanous Russian guy with a thick mustache and these jngle khakis like you saw on the live action "Jungle Book". Oh and the guy was also my husband in the dream. Am I phsycotic? Do I need help here? What's with all the dreams? Rrrr and it bugs me cause they really don't make any sense at all.

On the other hand, my real life is pretty much same old same old. It's gotten a lot better since Tuesday (see Tuesday) I'm in a much better mood :D. This morning something really freaky happened. I was home alone, laying in my bed, awake but not exactly anxious to get out yet, and suddenly the door..opened. I kinda jumped up, and Todd my kitty walked in meowing. My cats can usually open doors, either by pushing with their heads or pulling it open with their paws, but only if the door isn't all the way shut in the first place. I remember shutting my door all the way so that it clicked, as in, he would have had to turn the doorknob to open it. How *$^freaky*$^ is that?

Well I have no more to say because it's pretty early still, except you people must get that song "Video" by India Arie, or at least listen to it. No, you don't have a choice. She positivly awesome! She's like a mix between Macy Gray and Fiona Apple, you'll have to hear it to understand. "Video" itself has a great rythem. Go! now! get it!


Friday, June 20, 2001

Today must have been one of the scariest days of my life...seeing as my life has been pretty unscary lately. I was hanging out in my room and I reallized my fish's water needed to be changed. So I got a bucket, filled it with water, dechlorified it, and set it next to the fish bowl. As I was transferring the third fish into the bucket, the second one managed to use my net for leverage, and flip himself out of the bucket...onto my floor. sidenote: Thing That Were on My Floor Around My Desk: My inflatable chair, my rollerblades, my helmet, this container of sculpting clay, shoes, and several thick books. So this little...genius... albino tigerbarb, flipped himself out of the water. I saw a flash of pale gold, and he was gone. Of course I start panicing, because I would feel really really bad if I killed something, and I would have a little undead fishy coming back to haunt me. And besides, I really didn't want the corpse of a dead fish hidden somewhere in my room. I start searching really really frantically for it and finally after about 30 seconds (but it seemed forever) I found him behind one of the books. I scooped him up with my hands saying "I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry" and tossed him into the bucket. As soon as I saw he was ok (thank God) I started calling him a retard etc etc. I decided to name him Kervorkian. Fitting hmmm?


Tuesday, June 19, 2001

Bad few days. Really bad. I started Health in summer school Monday, but it was cool. I wish all school was like that. You walk in, you get a booklet, you sit down, you study. Teachers leave you alone. When you feel like it, you get up and take the test on whatever module you studied. It's my second day, and out of ten modules, I've done half of module 1, and modules 7, 8, 9, and 10, which was learning CPR. (funny little story, I did everything right, but I nor any one else could get the dummy's chest to rise. I was all like "the dummy's on crack" and the coach lady heard was kinda scary) At this rate, I'll be finished with the entire semester's worth of Health by Friday. I should be graduating from high school, month. lol well ok I admit it would be really really boring if every class in school was that way. But health? Health will never be interesting or enlightening, let's face it. It's so easy and retarded. It's like "True or False: Crack is bad." Okay I'm done now. I'm thankful for summer school, as it has now become something of an escape from the crackhouse my life has become in the past couple days.

Acceptably Lobotomized,
~G Race

P.S. I'm gonna try to update the Mock Trial pics tonight, so you can chekc that out. Not promising anything.

Saturday, June 16, 2001 (later that afternoon)

It took a genius to tell the world things fall when you drop them?

Saturday, June 16, 2001

Yeah I know I haven't updated this online journal in a little over a week, but why? Trust me, you missed out on nothing. Nothing at all. This week, my activities consisted of basic human needs such as sleeping, eating, going to the bathroom and goofing off online. So it's been a down week, no parties or get-togethers of the sort since the two I had on Saturday. Actually there was this random party I got invited to, but we couldn't find the house...honest. It's a long story, involving a guy on a motorcycle and Andy nervously saying "howdy" in his most cordial way. hehe, no comment.

Anyway, it's like 9:30 right now. Only..9:30 AM!!! Yes! It's morning! I woke up about eight. This is very different for me because since summer I've gotten in the habit of going to sleep very late and waking up very know how it goes. I went to sleep about 4 am last night just because my body clock is so messed up right now and I was wide awake. However, this morning I woke up to the sound of my mom playing BBKing and the blues pretty that was cool. And the sunlight was streaming in through my sliding glass doors so I just decided to get up. The thing is, I really can't sleep in the daytime. The only difference between today and any other day is that when it's quiet and my mom is gone it's still easy to pretend it's still early morning.
So...I took the trash out, and the ground was wet! It was...dew! From the night before! Because it was morning! Wow, what a mind trip.

The rest of the day up until now consisted of me digging my old fish tank from the back of my closet to support the fish mom brought home from work until we can get the aquarium working. (yay fish!) My mom works part time at an animal research lab place. So, they were finished with those fish and they gave them to her. I have mutant lab fish. Score. As long as they don't start glowing or talking in British accents I think we'll be fine. And then I started sorting and pairing up the random pile of socks in the middle of the livingroom floor. Raih, my cat, was sitting next to me and all of the sudden she just reached out and clawed a sock. So I started wiggling it around and she went mad with desire to kill this sock. Her eyes got all wide and her ears flattened. I started laughing (Mom asked me if I was OK) jsut because she looked so funny. Usually seeing my baby girl attack something with killer instinct is kinda scary/fascinating but was a sock so it was funny. Then just for fun I started chunking sock balls at her. Funny thing, I can't play with little kids for more than 15 minutes without getting extremely bored but I get my kicks out of messing with a creature we supposedly have nothing in common with.

Is this a really long entry? It's a really long entry. Or at least it seems like it. But I have more to tell! I had a really weird dream last night. Wanna know what my dream is? Well I'm gonna tell you. If you don't want to know you can eat me. (or just not read it that's ok). Anyhow, for those of you random passerbys who don't live in my town, there's this place called the MSC. It's pretty much just a fun place I like to hang out a lot with my friends. My dream was in the MSC, only there was a big above ground swimming pool with glass walls. And my mom would take me there to swim. Only I wouldn't be swimming, I be just kind of floating underwater in the corner. I wouldn't move; I would just hover there connected to a little thing that would give me oxygen. And people would walk by, looking at me through the glass wall.
Then, I got out of the pool and put on regular clothes. Andy came up and started talking to me. He showed me all these snapshots of my friends having fun at the MSC, and I was in a few. However, I looked very greyish and surreal in them, like I didn't really belong there but had been superimposed. And I was wearing this teal shirt but ew, even though teal is my favorite color, I would never wear it. So then Andy put the pictures in his pocket and we were walking down this hall, and he was telling me about how he fights with his mom a lot even though no one sees it except Eileen (Fitzpatrick, the girl who signed my guestbook twice). And just for the record, I think Andy very very rarely ever fights with his mom, as they are both very laid back people. Anyway, Andy left for a minute and I saw his mom in the next room. Suddenly I wanted to read my book, so I asked her where it was, and she told me it was in the next room. I thanked her and went to read it. The cover looked a lot like the book I'm reading currently, but that probably doesn't matter. The thing is, the book was written totally in french except for a few English sentences scattered throughout. I was still trying to read the book when Andy came back and asked me if I found it. For some reason I said no, so he started looking for my book in the room where his mom was in, but then I heard her tell him too "stop walking around so much" and he tried to explain, so they started arguing. Then Eileen, who I mentioned before, walked up. This is odd because I have like, never talked to Eileen in my entire life, except a few times on line. In my dream, Eileen and I started talking right as Andy closed the door to the room he and his mom were in because the argument started heating up. I don't remember exactly was Eileen was saying, even though it was clear in the dream. I tried to read the book again, but I kept getting tripped up on the first line, which was "Je voudrais toi aimer moi." I don't know if that's grammatically correct French or anything (my French teacher was very Texan), but I know that "Je voudrais toi aimer moi" literally translates into "I want you to like me" hmmm...veerry inteereesting. So Andy came out and the three us us went walking and talking down the street.

The End

Dreams are odd. I've had dreams in the past few nights that include floating leaves, talking muscial instuments, and a shoe dangling by its shoelace into a pit of snakes, but I won't go into those because yeah, this is getting to be a ver long entry, and it's only 10 am!


Friday, June 8, 2001 (appendum)

You know how when you eat cereal and you finish and there is always that extra milk in the bottom of the bowl? That used to annoy me, but now I've decided that the extra milk is good because it gives you an excuse to pour more cereal. That is my profound thought.

Good day,

Friday, June 8, 2001

I have decided that in regard to my own safety (not facing the wrath of Laurel) I will update my journal doohicky. I would update it more know...I was actually doing something. The truth is, most days I get really bored and just kinda chill and then I have random days of extreme productivity just to keep up the idea that I'm doing something with my summer. Like, the other night I jogged for about thirty minutes and did random stretching stuff and started choreographing a song. And then the next day I made Andy take me shopping. Hey that wasn't a totally selfish move, I mean I was shopping for a birthday present for Katya. Her party is tommorow I think...yay! I also have Katie and Chloe's "summer fun" party to go to tommorow. It's 60's themed, so I put together the outfit with authentic 60's shoes (have you ever heard of the "Hi There" brand? haha. I found them at a garage sale when I was younger and had to get them, much to my mom's protest. She has this thing with me getting shoes I won't ever really wear, even if they're practically free. See she trips over them quite frequently. They always end up somehow in the middle of my floor. I say the problem would be easily fixed if she watched where she was going, but she's just stopped coming in my room. Smart lady.

Anyway, I think tommorow is going to be one of those days I don't hibernate. Good good. Unlike today. I woke up at 2 pm today, which is really really bad, but I went to sleep at 2am last night so I guess it's semi-okay. It was raining really hard outside. *sigh* I love the rain because of the sound it makes, only today Todd was outside, which didn't make me happy. I know he was fine because cats always find dry places when they need to. It's just...he's my baby! :) Other than that, I just watched Simpsons and occasionally got online, where I was assuredly pestered by Mario to call Cierra and tell her to sign on, which is kinda odd because, ok Mario, I don't call people (I have a phone thing, I hate talking on them unless it's important), and I especially don't call people I barely know.

Crap, my nail polish just chipped.

Has anyone seen Bridget Jones' (Jones's?, Jone's?) Diary?

Oh well, signing off,

Monday, June 4, 2001

OK, I haven't updated this in over a week, and since nothing of any minor importance happened today, I'll tell you about last week.

I finished Mice and Men a couple days ago. that was a really poignant book. The tragic (and you realize now that i have the power to totally spoil the ending for those who haven't read it, but I won't, because I'm Grace) It's great because that's the first book I've read for fun in a looong time. Sad isn't it? High school has stripped me of my readforfunability. The thing is, I spend so much time on pedantic school assigned books that when I have spare time, I want to do something that requires no thinking at all, like making a website...hmmm. Oh well, it's not that bad. I really liked some of the books, like To Kill a Mockingbird or Lord of the Flies. And I understand the depth of Shakespearean language now more than ever. But as far as the hellbent assignments given to us about Great Expectations and Pride and Prejudice, I am left only with the profound knowlege that Charles Dickens and Jane Austen should be brought back to life...and the nose. Ha!

On Saturday I got a phone call around 1:00, informing me that one of my friends was having a random graduation party. I mean really started at 3:00. Because I can't drive and didn't feel like walking to the school parking lot (where we were meeting) in 97 degree weather, I got online and (gently) commanded (requested) my designated chaffuer take me there. Andy was looking for an excuse to get out of the house too, so we went. It started off kind of slow. Andy was really out of it because he had spent the night before studying for the SATs he took that morning. It got better though. The bunch of us ended up swimming at Alan's house for about 8 hours :) When we had decided we were saturated enough, we went to Alan's little cottage and acted like we had the itelligence of apes (most of us did). It was so fun! Then I volunteered Andy and I to go get a movie. They gave a time limit, since they were already kind of suspicious of Andy and I taking "side trips". Earlier I went home to change into a swimsuit and it took too long for their taste. So luck would have it, he has to get gas, we had to look for a movie since Final Destination was out, and we got lost twice. Honest! Anti-girlscout's honor.


Sunday, May 27, 2001

Ok so one cool thing about summer is that I can update this page more often. Only right now I'm kinda tired, because first of all I was really tired late last night when I got home because a whole bunch of swimming races do that to ya. Then I got up pretty early to go to church this morning. Oh well it's not so bad. I layed out in the sun when I got life is so hard isn't it? Right now my biggest problem is that a. I need to clean my room and b. My legs are breaking out in little spots because Nair does that at random times when I put it on. Other than that, I'm just chillin. Peace!

Saturday, May 26, 2001

Guess who's not a freshman anymore? *looks around inauspiciously* Me!

(sigh) It's summer guys. It's summer! Two and a half looong glorious warm months ahead of me with nothing to do but have fun. Ok well I'm taking summer school later but I hear it's ridiculously easy and most people can finish in about 3-5 days. So I'm not worried. It's summer! It's just starting to hit me. Like, when school let out yesterday I was still in the school mode. That's probably also because school let out at 12:20. I felt like I was playing hooky...except I wasn't! hahaha. OK I'm getting redundant. I'm just really glad that for a while I dont have to worry about stupid dialectical journals or geometry or biology or any of that crap. After school Friday I went with Andy to get a coke float at McDonald's. During the finals the seniors went to the parking lot and wrote on people's car's with shoe polish, so when we came out his windows said "c/o 2001, Peace, we out." It was great. We spent the rest of the day feeding french fries to the ducks and turtles at the park and sitting on the grass, where I got a sunburn on my knees. Sunburns are back! yeah!

That night I went to graduation and cheered for the people I knew. It was held in Reed arena, which is this huge arena with seats circling it. Graduation itself very cool, especially when they had Gamma play. Laurel got to conduct Pomp and Circumstance in the orchestra, which has got to be a cool feeling. She's pretty nifty even though I don't really know her.

So anyway, I went to an end of school party at Jennie's today. She has an awesome swimming pool with a hot tub. More sunburns. Yes!

Thursday, May 10, 2001

Hello chicos and chicadees! So I followed Mario's advice and started an online journal. I haven't touched my site in the longest time, mostly because of a little thing called school. Oh my gosh , last weekend I spent fifteen consecutive hours on Sunday to finish my dialectical journal! I woke up at 9am and didn't stop working until 12am, just to finish it at a decent hour. A dialectical journal is where you select a quote and type about the quote. I had to do two quotes per chapter, all 61 chapters of Pride and Prejudice, pretty much in one weekend. All together I spent 23 hours outside of class working on it, not to mention all the other scripts and essays and projects I had to do besides English. It is Satan. I am never touching that book again. And I am the product of the public school system. Oh well, I know a lot of other people in my Pre AP class that were up till 4 am, so at least I managed to come out of it fairly well. Such sweet revenge though, to know that now our dear Mrs. Sanders has to grade 5520 dialectical journal the end of the year. hehehehehe. And you know what? The end of the year is in a week! A week! Seven sweet days! Ok, well technically it's two weeks, but the week after next is Exam week and that's going to be so fun! Go to two classes a day, take the exams (except Geometry and English Pre AP because I'm exempting those), and that's it! No homework ( Except studying but that's ok because I like studying because I know what I don't know and I don't have to waste my time on stuff people are making me do but I already know it, ya know?) And you know what else is going to make exam week fun? Open campus lunches! They are so cool! We get like an hour and 40 minutes to leave school and eat wherever. I'm using Andy and his mad driving skills to take me and a few friends to Freebirds. It's awesome. *sigh*. these last couple weeks are crazy though. I mean you just heard about the dialectical journal thing. Plus, tommorow (Friday) I'm going to the mall with Maggie to help her pick out a dress for her band banquet. Then I'm going to switch gears and be with Andy to pick up his prom tux, and going to Freebirds hanging out with him till pretty late, so Friday is out. That means that Saturday I'm going to be doing my Buddha project and report for World History Honors, writing my speech to get my speech credit by exam so I can clear space for next year, writing my French presentation where I talk about myself in french, buying my necklace and strapless bra for prom, and going to prom that same day. That oughta be fun. Yay prom! I might be one of those lucky people who get to go to it all four years of highschool, since I'm just a freshman going on sophomore. Ashley Putnam and Morgan Honeycutt invited me over to Morgan's house to get ready, which is really cool of them because they don't even know's crazy - everywhere I look I'm surrounded by juniors, except Capps who is a sophomore...I'm kinda like a fish out of water...tee hee. Okay I'm stopping now. Tchus! Au revoir!

All my love,