Gali's Home Page

Gali's Home Page

I hate doing this crap but I'm keeping this as an achievement.

It's school time again!!!

My Favorite Web Sites

Click here to see what planet I belong to...4-White 2000
A kind of class where everyone is a creature...3-White '99
Some group pics of 3-White '99
The Promenade
The Choral Presentation
Some pics that might give you a gig?
New pics of 4-White
Students with our teacher(s)
The last retreat of the year
Check out some pics of the people I know
Youthbuild 2000- Blitz Week
3-White '99 & 4-White '00: A Legend In Its Time

Whadda ya think about this crap?Crap or achievement? Anyway, this page was made possible by the inspiration of my cute, kewl, supportive, noisy, saaaammmūk, ulol, hafi, galawgaw and well yeah, pious classmates.

I'm still updating this page. Worry not if your pic isn't posted here yet.

More to come. Just gimme some more time to edit this page...Keep on surfin'

I know you guys have been surfing this site every now and then to see what's new. I appreciate your time. As of now, I'm really busy. Just give me some time (again???) to update this. Don't worry, I'll make this page worth it to surf. As we say: "C'est La Vie!"

Drop me a mail at this addy: