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Makes Ya Laugh Don't It?Bumper Stickers:

If you can read this, i can hit my breaks and sue you.
Keep honking while i reload.

Your kid may be an honor student, but you're still an idiot.

The more people i meet, the more i like my dog.

Gun control means using both hands.
My wife complains i never listen to her...or something like that.
Stop repeat offenders: Don't re-elect them!!
EARTH FIRST!!! We'll strip mine the other planets later.
If you drink don't park. Accidents cause people.

One Liners:

Grow your own dope...Plant a politician!!
The only cure for insomnia is to get more sleep.
Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don't have film.
What happens if you get scared half to death twice?
Wear short sleeves. Support your right to bare arms.
All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand.
How do you get holy water? Boil the hell out of it.


How does a spoiled rich girl change a light bulb? She says 'Daddy i want a new apartment!'
What do you call a boomerang that doesn't work? A stick.
Where do you get virgin wool from? Ugly sheep.
Why do bagpipers walk when they play? They're trying to get away from the noise.

Clinton Riddles:

Q: Why is Bill Clinton apprehensive about going to the movies?
A: He's afraid the usherette will ask to see his stub.
Q: What's the definition of an Arkansas Virgin?
A: A girl that can run faster than the governer.
Q: How did Bill and Hillary Clinton meet?
A: They were dating the same girl in highschool.
Q: How can you tell when Bill Clinton is lying?
A: If his lips are moving, he's lying.

Clinton Bumper Stickers

IMPEACH CLINTON!!!! And her husband too.
The jokes over. Bring back Bush.
Clinton doesn't inhale. HE SUCKS!
If Clinton was the answer...It musta been a really stupid question!
