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The Song Of The Ground Ivy Fairy

In Spring he is found;
He creeps on the ground;
But some ones to blame
For the rest of his name-
For Ivy he's not!
Oh dear, what a lot
Of muddles we make!
It's quite a mistake,
And really a pity
Because he's so pretty;
He deserves a nice name-
Yes, someone's to blame!

~Cicely Mary Barker

       To quote from the Flower Fairy Storybook,

  The Midsummer Ball, by Fay Marden.

"She (The Fairy Queen) dipped a little pipe

into the rose

water and blew softly through the

stem ... rose coloured

 bubbles floated into the room,

 each one filled with the sweetest dream.

As the little girl slept each bubble

 hovered above her head, then floated

down to her pillow,

so that by morning she had a pillow full of

dreams - enough to last a lifetime..."

















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