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Welcome to the Matt and Mimi or Mimato couple shrine. Since Mimato is my favorite
couple, this is my favorite part of my site and the most popular section. I really support
this couple. When the show began a few months ago, most people never thought twice about
the idea of these two being a couple. I personally only recognised that physically they would
go well together and at first, that was all I thought. As the story unfolded I noticed them
being together and started to write down how many times I saw them together.
They were together more often than I thought and I thought this was the producers idea to hint the
audience. But still, I burried the idea in the back of my head. It stayed that way for a few more months
until I *finally* stumbled across M & M, this couples first shrine. I remember seeing the shrine and going,
"Yeah, someone else saw it (meaning the relationship)." The idea was than pushed right out of the back of my
head and into the internet where I decided to make a page for the two. That's why your here right now.
This section consists of evidence, a picture gallery, fanart, and fanfiction totally dedicated to the couple.
If you didn't believe in this couple before, I hope my evidence will convince they can be one. Now go explore..... ^-^

:::Mimato Fanfics:::
:::Hints & Evidence:::
:::Mimato Fanart:::
:::Mimato Picture Gallery:::
:::Mimato Moments:::

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