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UPDATE TIME!!! First i want to say to my Baby that i am sorry that his pics have come off the frount page but the time has come to update and make it newer so i guess that means that he needs to send me some NEW pics. so i can let everyone out there can see his ever smiling face. *snickers* but anyway ... just a quick update.. I AM IN SCHOOL. for all those wh really care to know that info ..... lol there is a lot more to say but only so much to time to say it in so ill leave it there and soon soon i promise i will get the new pics of myself and my daughter up and on the web page at the moment they are on this link (yea yea i know ill fix it when i can))

Reverand RavenFire

pictures of daughter and self
links to frends
roleplaying character
sheets on cub
Click here to join pagans_in_the_park
Click to join pagans_in_the_park

Eshers msg board and the msg board for Vampinn

somemore pics of me
Pics of Dragons
Pics of wolves
Pics of unicorns =)
A short story in the works
read at your own risk POEMS

first page of stuff ive done beware i am a sic person
trying to space them out so they do not take so long to load
some of these are not mine and ive altered them with permision for the most part
My ezboard community