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Care Bears Rule!

Why Care Bears Rule

My Fave Sites

Free 80's Cartoon Pictures!
My Care Bear picture Gallery!
The Caring Board (Bulletin Board)
My Awards
My Other WB Page

Win the Care Bears Rule Award! This is what it looks like: The color and font has changed from the other one. But, it's basically the same! Email me your web page so I can see it and send you the award. There will be a new winner every once in a while (or whenever I want to.);)It was going to be the Care-alot award, but I thought maybe someone else had that award as a name. I will choose the best web page out of those the entries will win. Your page must be based on Care Bears and have pictures, and be totally groovy! Also thanks to Alyssa's Care Bear Dreamland and Alloy (the catalogue) for some pictures and the backround! Thanks so much!!

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Isn't this a cool doll?
