Cool Words You Should Know and Use in Your Everyday Life

Boss- Means "cool". Used in the 70's, being brought back by a brave soul named Nick Cifuni.

ex. Man that pizza was boss. OR Man Robert is so boss.

Bunk- Word made up by some fellows on my soccer team. Means "bad" or "weak". I suppose it's cool if you like that kind of thing.

ex. Oh man that video game is bunk.

Er-Ner-Ner- A quality word thought up by the greatest minds of this generation. I don't know what it means though.

ex. "Er-Ner-Ner"

Haterade- a compound-word mixing the two words gatorade and hater. Equaling haterade. Means to not be nice, be a "hater". I got this word from Nick Theirry.

ex. You don't like pizza? Oh man you must be drinkin' the haterade.

Heated- Means to be mad.

ex. Man that guy over there that smells is making me heated.

Hip-to-the-Jive- Means "cool". Say this and you will definetly get the ladies. Oh yeah.

ex. Hey you smell like peanuts, that's hip-to-the-jive.

Neing- A word made up by Nathan Whitney. It dosen't really fit into a sentence though. Just say it. Trust me....

ex. "Neing"

Rhinous- Means disgousting, gross, "yucky".

ex. Man Taco Time's beef burritos are rhinous.

Tickle My Fancy- Highly uncommon phrase used to describe something that you like. Very good at picking up the chicks. Trust me.

ex. Man those cell phone commercials with Jamie Lee Curtis tickle my fancy.

Smelsh- I have absolutly no clue what it means, but Nathan Whitney made it up so it has to be good.

ex. "Smelsh"

Supa Kewl- It means what it says, except in a differently spelled kind of way.

ex. Roast beef is Supa Kewl!

Sviten- Nathan made this one up to. I don't know what it means, but it sounds German if you say it right.

ex. "Sviten"

Totally-Tubular- Means "very cool", "super awesome", or "hip to the jive" (see above). Word only used if there is no other way to express the coolness.

ex. Man, you smell totally tubular.

Wangdoodle- I don't know what it means, but I suppose you could imagine.....

ex. Hey that's one nice wangdoodle you've got there.