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Fanclub News last Updated 30-7-00


We want Jeff Trachta to return to Holland because we would like to reschedule the cancelled 5th anniversary event of October 14, 1999. We deserve that here after all we've been through. But we need your help. Someone in Los Angeles is preventing Jeff from returning to Holland and besides, is blocking all the news on Jeff and Bobbie's career that the fans worldwide should know! We can't imagine that Jeff doesn't want to return to Holland, he loves his fans. Please write or e-mail to the address below, the more fans do this, the better chance we have to succeed! The only way now is to write to Bradley Bell or Mrs. Lee Bell and let them know that this is happening, that someone is doing this. Especially Mrs. Bell often listens to the fans. Though Jeff has left B&B almost four years ago, he still is very popular and loved among all the B&B fans. This might be our only chance right now. Thanks very much for you help!

Write to: Bradley Bell or Mrs. Lee Bell
         c/o The Bold and The Beautiful
         CBS TV
         7800 Beverly Blvd., Suite 3371
         Los Angeles, CA 90036

You can also let Bradley Bell know you would like to have Bobbie as Macy back on the show!

June 15th, 2000

On June 10th the statement from Jeff for the fanclub finally arrived after all these months! Hurrah, at last we can try and get the money from the fans back through the legal aid insurance. We hope this won't take too long and of course all of you will be informed as soon as we have more news. It's a hurrah of course, but besides getting the money back, we also hope that we can resume the lines of normal communication with Jeff and Bobbie again. Because of this situation the fanclub has been unable to get news about both Jeff and Bobbie's projects. We all deserve that because we went through so much.  We want to move on and hopefully reschedule the event with Jeff. Even with Bobbie as well, who knows...We will keep you posted of course!


From Yvonne, Fanclub president

We’re working on this new improved website right now but at the same time the fan club is going through difficult times.  I feel that the loyal fans who don’t know have the right to know this. I can’t explain everything here and I won’t go into all kind of details,  but  it has to do with the cancelled fanevents last year where Jeff Trachta was supposed to be the very special guest. Due to personal circumstances Jeff had to leave for the United States after a few days. He was unable to attend the events and as many of you probably have read, his Belgian manager conned the fanclub and also other people. Since that time we have been very busy trying to solve all the problems together with some really fantastic people and I’d like to put two of them in the ‘spotlight’:  Bud Wichers, our spokesman for the press. Especially in the beginning I suddenly had to deal with so much publicity and I couldn’t do this alone. Being a journalist and manager himself, Bud knew and still knows how to handle this the best way. So thanks!!!   And my good friend Marianne van Rheenen. Thanks, for all the late night phone calls….Without them I wouldn’t have gone through these difficult times.  The end is not near yet, but we’re all working very hard to solve the problems.  In Holland we had the help of several tv shows. Like RTL Live (a popular talk show every Monday through Friday) and De Week van Willibrord (The week of Willibrord, a weekly tv programme that gives a helping hand for people who need that. He also made a programme with Jeff back in December 1997).
The past six months the people  in LA were ordered  to say nothing and do nothing towards the fans and the fanclub. This way we don’t get any ‘normal’ info too. Why exactly we don’t know. I defended the fanclub, the fans and Jeff these past months, did everything I could not to make matters worse. The press is still on the corner.  So this doesn’t help us. We all want to sólve the situation, not make it worse. We are determined to reschedule the event of our 5th anniversary, 5+1 now… And hopefully Jeff does too….
We will keep you posted of course…