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dAvId'S InFo

ShOuTOuTs To ALL oF mY FriEnDs OuT TheRe!!!!

nAmE: dAvId SaUl
LoCaTiOn: HaWaIi
aGe: 20

wassup!!! thanks for visting my web page. i just wanted to give some info on me. i was born and raised in Hawaii and graduated from high school class of 99". i'm currently deciding on what i wanna do for the rest of my life but one thing is for sure, i am going to take care of the girl im with right now. to all the guys, treat ur girl right. never hurt them in anyway. if u hit them; then your not a man at all, for hitting a woman is the ultimate sin to me. if you have and thoughts to share, feel free to email me. alright then i be out, much love and thank u!!!!

tO mY fRiEnDs GuYs 4 AlWaYs BeInG tHeRe 4 Me...

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