Reason's WHY we hate the Bitch/and others opinions on her!

1.*She can't sing

I don't know WHY you teeny bopper's think she can actually sing!She cant, she can't even lip sync either!She should have spent her fucking money on singing lessons before she became one of the most terrible singers brought to the 90's!I bet she won't even make it big when the millenium begins!She will be long gone, just like her voice has been

2.*Cousin Lovin

The title tells it all!Would YOU look at your cousin with googly eyes?EVER?In front of the world?!Well she did and that's pretty gross and SAD!Now look at that pic up above, while she wearing that thing you call a top without a bra and her boobs are popping out, I'm sure her brother has just a great view!I thought incestation was illegal anyways!

3.*Old Men Masturbate to her Pictures

As sad as it may be, it's the truth!And it's sad!!And I know for a fact that not only old men do it, but poor pitful 11-17 year old guys do it too with their raging hormones

4.*Her boob job

Okay, she's 17 she got a boob job, she tells people "It's a personal issue" And she's supposed to be a role model for youg girls, so what she is saying is..."Go out and get a boob job!!It's cool!And you have more guys liking you!!"Get real...It's just sad that she has to do something so drastic because she's not happy with herself


She proclaims she doesn't use her body for marketing purposes...what does this pic tell you??It's really sad that RollingStone actually published this issue out with that picture on it...I guess it's just another picture with her doing her kiddi porn shit

5.*She's a Liar

Alright so tells everyone "No,I never went out with Justin Timberlake"Ummm, Justin say's other wise he said you two went out at the age of 11My, we do start youngI don't blame her for saying you didn't date the nasty ass prick but come on, get real!We all know you quit your fucking lying

6.*Helpless Victim Act

I came across a sound wave with the bitch on it talking to some readio guys and they asked what she thought about having backstreet boy songs on her CD...her response"I dont think they we're helping me out at all, I was helping them out if anything!10 years from now everyone will still be listening to me, and no one will knoow who BSB is!" My answer "Why don't you get off your dead ass and talk to Jive about it!They put the damn songs together they know what's going to be on to them!And quit bitching!"Probably the latest thing we will hear about for her in the next 10 years is her latest porn flick

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