*Wow! She actually has friends!* Britney recently visited Teletubbies Land and made some new friends (other than the regular foursome they show on television). Let's meet them.


When he attends college - which isn’t very often - Hanky-Panky sits at the back of the lecture room wearing a long overcoat he pinched from a second-hand store. He is unable to actually get on with his coursework as his writing hand is otherwise occupied underneath his overcoat. He likes to dress up in blue clothes, and strikes a few funny glances when he can be spotted strolling around with a red hand-bag. This is believed to be his form of cunning disguise, allowing him to enter the female toilets at lunchtime to satisfy his perverted needs. Very peculiar person.

The most mentally challenged member of Teletubbies Land, Dip-Shit is living proof of the connection between man and monkey. He was dropped on his head from the ninth floor balcony of his parents apartment when he was seven, and this may be a reason for the large spiky lump that has grown from the top of his head. He has a place in the BTEC National Diploma in Car Window Cleaning at college, but as he is so stupid, he gets lost on the way and usually ends up rolling around in a field. His favorite color is green, and because of this, he only eats bread when it is moldy. On Sundays he likes to go to Marks & Spencers and pinch funny looking hats.

This Teletubby actually made a bit of money out of a leading shower gel and shampoo company. Based upon their already highly successful product, "Wash & Go", they devised their new product based on CaaCaa and the awful smell of her body. It was called "Go & Wash", although, unfortunately, it didn't sell to well. CaaCaa not only has really bad body odors, but she also smokes an average of thirty rolled-up cigarettes per day and produces an awful stench of nicotine. Due to her smoking habit, her entire body has turned yellow. When she is not smoking, she enjoys asking footballers if she can play with their "balls".

Although some people may think this is in reference to her sexual habits, this young student is in fact named Blow due to the fact she is never without a cannabis joint in her mouth. As purchasing real cannabis can be a bit expensive for a student, Blow often resorts to digging up weeds in the local park and rolling them up in her Rizlas. Luckily, it is this "non-illegal" weed she is smoking whenever PC Plod takes her in for questioning. She is extremely shy, and turns somewhat of a a bright red color whenever she gets within two-miles of another human being. She has recently purchased a second-hand scooter but can't use it because she was unable to pass the reciting alphabet task to obtain a license.

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