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~*~ Welcome 2 Sylvie's Site! ~*~

Welcome 2 Sylvie's Site
Come on over & stay a while!

Hi! I'm Sylvia,but my friends call me Sylvie,so you can to. This is my website. It is still under construction, so please be patient. I'm 15 year old female who is a Christian & rather outgoing. I love to meet new people on net,so feel FREE to me. I do the normal teenage stuff (hangout, talk on phone, listen to my CDs, ect...)I especially love going to church & being with my youth group. We're really close! We have a great youth minister, Daniel DeJong. He is really nice & he loves to laugh! He's really interested in doing alot of stuff with us & wants more youth to start coming. Anyways... Belowe is stuff that you might wanna check out. I also have a guestbook & a Slambook,so PLEAZE sign both!! Thankx!
Stuff About Me

My Pic of me & my friends

Pic of my Youth Group

Ski Retreat Pics

Sylvie's Poetry Corner.

Sylvie's Links

My Testimony

Sylvie's Smiley Page

Online tour of hell.

Hershey's chocolate kiss.

View My SlamBook! Sign My SlamBook!

If you liked my site & want to link it to yours, pleaze use the banner above! My URL address is:

click here to vote for this site

If you use Yahoo Messenger, please message me anytime I'm online! Thankx!

If you love Jesus please take this graphic and post it on your site so everyone to know! But there's one condition! Make sure you leave this message below it so others will know to take it so they can post it on their site and pass it on! It doesn't have to be word for word. Just make sure all this info is shown!!!!

If you have any suggestions,pleaze click the 'lil envelope to e-mail me! & thankx 4 visiting my 'lil site! Ya'll come back ya here! (<--- Southeren talk, by the way!)

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Last update waz... March 1, 2001
