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My cross stitching
Thursday, 11 August 2005
Stitchers Bloggers Question
Topic: StitchersBloggersQuestion
What do you do with the framed stitching that you keep? Do you hang it
up and leave it in one place, never to move it? Or do you have a
rotation, where you have one place for stitched pieces and switch them
out according to mood or season? Maybe a mixture of both?

I haven't framed a big piece yet. I have stitched a few but they aren't framed. My smaller pieces I change around as they are holiday pieces. I am usually the type though that would leave it up in one spot and if all the walls are covered wall to wall and carpet to ceiling, with my pieces than so be it LOL.

Posted by hi3/ShelleensStitching at 6:53 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 27 July 2005
Stitchers Blogging Question
Topic: StitchersBloggersQuestion

What is your most unique/interesting stitching quirk? (This could be
something concerning the way you stitch, how you organize your stash,

I have a floor stand and can't stand putting my project in it and have to keep changing the postion whenever you need to change the thread. Well Becky showed me how she puts her magnteic board wioth her pattern and that is attached to her stand. Now I do that and just love it. Thanks Becky!

Posted by hi3/ShelleensStitching at 11:29 AM EDT
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Thursday, 21 July 2005
Stitching Blogger's Question
Topic: StitchersBloggersQuestion

Have you ever done a color conversion? If so, what did you think about
your results and would you do it again? If not, would you like to try

I don't believe that I have changed the colors but maybe added metallics to the colors or used metallics instead of DMC. Or used overdyed threads instead of DMC.

Posted by hi3/ShelleensStitching at 9:02 AM EDT
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Friday, 24 June 2005

Topic: StitchersBloggersQuestion

This week's stitching blogger question:
Are there any types of designs that you won't stitch?

I am not fond of all samplers, I am picky on them. There are some other designs that I wouldn't stitch for myself but would stitch as gifts. I am not big on florals either but have done some small roses for my bedroom and my friend's kitchen is done in sunflowers so I have stitched a few things for her.

Posted by hi3/ShelleensStitching at 10:58 AM EDT
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Friday, 17 June 2005
Stitchers Bloggers Question
Topic: StitchersBloggersQuestion

Do you feel the need to stitch a design from a specific designer just
to say that you've experienced stitching one of their designs?

No, I never do this but once I like a designer I try to collect all the patterns that I like.

Posted by hi3/ShelleensStitching at 1:42 PM EDT
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Thursday, 26 May 2005
SBQ and a good morning
Topic: StitchersBloggersQuestion


I very seldome have stitching slumps. They might last for a week or 2. I figure I need a break and that is when I read alot of books. This happens most summers.

The weather has been beautiful for 2 days. Don't think it will last much longer. The kids have off Friday and Monday from school. They get off Friday as we still have 3 snow days left.
I started TCS Christmas Angel and just love the colors in her. I also started TW The First Day Of Christmas ornament from the JCS ornament issue.

Today I am scrapbooking with friends. I am working on my wedding pics.

I finished reading Digital Fortress by Dan Brown and started 4th Of July by James Patterson.

DS#2 is doing much better in school. I am worried about him though as he has been coughing and I don't want him getting an asthma attack.

I am still eating healthy :-)

have a great day!

Posted by hi3/ShelleensStitching at 7:44 AM EDT
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Thursday, 19 May 2005

Topic: StitchersBloggersQuestion

How many strands of floss to you prefer to stitch with? Why?

I like the looks of 2 strands, it lays nice and isn't bulky. Alot of the kits for Mill Hill and patterns for perf. paper and perf. plastic say 3 strnads but I like 2 better.

Posted by hi3/ShelleensStitching at 2:02 PM EDT
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Thursday, 12 May 2005
Stitchers Blogging Question
Topic: StitchersBloggersQuestion

Given the option, would you rather buy a chart and get the material
and floss together yourself, or buy a pre-packed kit?

I would rather buy the chart and material. I do buy the small Mill Hill kits as I love them. I will buy a kit if I like the pattern. I can always switch the fabric if I don't like it.

Posted by hi3/ShelleensStitching at 8:25 AM EDT
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Thursday, 5 May 2005

Topic: StitchersBloggersQuestion

Do you finish all your finished pieces? (pillow, frame, etc,) If so,
how do you finish the pieces? If not what do you do with them?

I have a box full of stitched pieces not finished. Some ornaments I finish and if they are for gifts then I finish. I have done mini pillows, towels, cube finishing, framing.

What is your opinion of Internet "freebies?"

I used to download alot of them, when I first got my computer. Now I only stick to a couple of designers. I have so many now that I can't get to.

Posted by hi3/ShelleensStitching at 7:30 AM EDT
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Thursday, 28 April 2005
Stitchers Bloggers Question
Topic: StitchersBloggersQuestion

Do You Set Stitching Goals?

I have a list of my goals for the whole year and then I work from that list to make my monthly goals. I have done pretty well sticking to my goals but don't get upset when I can't.

Posted by hi3/ShelleensStitching at 11:58 AM EDT
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