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My cross stitching
Saturday, 27 August 2005
Been MIA
Sorry everyone for not posting. This summer has been hot and busy. Justin got picked for the JV boys soccer team and has practice every day. I drop him off on my way to Curves, then go home and pick him up an hour after I get home from Curves. Then clean and read. This week we had cooler weather so I have been getting in more stitching time. I have finished Debbie Mumm Patridge ornament. Finished July NR from The Victoria Sampler and then stitched up a Lizzie Kate Peace ornament from the 2003 JCS ornament issue. No pics yet. I have also put in a few more hours on I Shall Wear Purple.
I will be starting TW The Storyteller as part of a SAL, on Sept. 1 I beleive is the date. If anyone else wants to join in please email me
School starts in 2 weeks and still have to take the boys cloths shopping. This coming week is tax free week on clothes so I will be taking them then. Dylan has had a few minor troubles this summer, with a new friend, also named Dylan. But there is great communication with the other Dylans grandmother, his guardian, and myself, so the boys know they are getting it from both sides LOL. Her and I can not wait til school starts.
Still enjoying my new car :-)
Also reading alot!! Will be starting Deadly Embrace by Jackie Collins. I was reading the De Beers series by V.C. Andrews and read the first 2 books but I still need to pick up #3 at the library.

have a great rest of the summer :-)

Posted by hi3/ShelleensStitching at 10:17 AM EDT
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Friday, 12 August 2005
Pics of new car and finished a book

Love my little car :-)

I finished Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. If you have not read or finished the book please don't read any further as there are spoilers. I am very mad that Dumbledore was killed off. Should have been Snape. How could Dumbledore not have seen what kind of a person Snape is. Since the next book is supposed to be the last then I hope Harry gets Valdamort , Snape and Malfoy. But don't kill off Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Harry or Hagrid. I know I like alot of other characters as well but those are the main ones.

Now I am reading The Christmas Thief by Mary Higgins Clark and Carol Higgins Clark.

Posted by hi3/ShelleensStitching at 7:44 AM EDT
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Thursday, 11 August 2005
Stitchers Bloggers Question
Topic: StitchersBloggersQuestion
What do you do with the framed stitching that you keep? Do you hang it
up and leave it in one place, never to move it? Or do you have a
rotation, where you have one place for stitched pieces and switch them
out according to mood or season? Maybe a mixture of both?

I haven't framed a big piece yet. I have stitched a few but they aren't framed. My smaller pieces I change around as they are holiday pieces. I am usually the type though that would leave it up in one spot and if all the walls are covered wall to wall and carpet to ceiling, with my pieces than so be it LOL.

Posted by hi3/ShelleensStitching at 6:53 AM EDT
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Love my car!!!!
I picked it up Monday night and the dealership filled it, with gas. The miles that I have put on it took 3/4 of a tank of gas compared to about 1 1/4 tank on my van. I still need to take a pic. My camera doesn't always work though. And guess what? (looking around for spies) I like this car just as much, if not better than the Mustang, ssshhhh don't let anyone hear me.

DS#1 has had soccer camp all week. It is from 2:30-5:00pm. He has been coming home sore and blisters on his feet but enjoying himself. The coaches have a tent set up for the kids to sit under when on break. The weather here has been in the 90s with high humidity so I am grateful with these coaches.

No stitching going on here all week. I have started reading Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince and am halfway through the book.

Posted by hi3/ShelleensStitching at 6:50 AM EDT
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Sunday, 7 August 2005
Car Shopping

I have been car shopping for the past 2 days. I have a '91 chevy with a 350 in it. I am lucky if I get 15 mpg. So I went to 13 car dealerships. I want a sporty 2 door with good gas mileage. After looking at 100 cars and falling in love with a 2002 mustang, which are my favorite cars, we went to another few car dealerships. I didn't test drive the mustang and the car salesman didn't even push us. He never asked if I wanted to drive it and at that point I didn't want to. I told DH if it is there Monday then it was meant to be. I was giving up on finding a car. I had seen an Olds Alero that I liked but wasn't calling me. One place had a Kia Spectra, which I liked but it had a knocking noise when we turned it on. Not interested in that. We decided to go home for the day and DH said oh let's just check this last place, which we don't usually go to. A lady salesperson came out, my age and asked if she could help us. DH said the car was for me and she talked to ME the rest of the time. All the other salesmen would talk to DH. She asked what i wanted. I said a used car, sporty, 2 door, good gas mileage. She showed me what they had and I said no and then she said I know what you are looking for. And towards the end of the line there was a Cougar. I had never seen one before or paid attention to them. it looked nice and then she pulled it out of the spot and it was exactly for me. So DH and I test drove it and my 13 year old son is just going nuts over this car. I even sat in the back while DH drove and the back seats are really comfortable, even DH liked the back seats. Smooth ride, great handling, huge trunk and for me good gas mileage. I live in the country so I get highway mpg and this one gets 29. So now I am in heaven. She says should we ring it up and I said no, I need to think about it and DH is looking under the hood and I said well what do you think, He says it is a '99 with 78, 000 miles, not to bad and the price was awesome and the car is in mint shape.No marks on it, the inside is clean, had one owner , non smoker and never drove it in the winter. So needless to say we signed the paperwork and we will go to our bank Monday morning and see which loan we will go with. I couldn't sleep last night, I want the car now. I loved the saleslady , she listened to what I wanted and knew just the car. My 15 year old son doesn't know as he wasn't with us. DS#2 said he will love it. As he drives next year. DH and my kids know how much I have wanted a Mustang, since I was 10 years old. But I figure with my 2 boys driving soon, I would rather something happened to the Cougar than the Mustang. I can get that when they get their own cars. I also am lucky if I put on 5,000 miles on my cars a year so we weren't worried about the gas mileage or year. All of our vehicles we have had we drive to the ground. My last car had 200,000 miles on it and was still running great when I got the van. Now the van I am sick of and have about 150,000. DH said we will sell that ourselves and whatever I get I can put in a new stereo system in the Cougar, as it didn't have a CD player. So when I get the car I will have DS#1 take a pic of it with me in it :-)

Posted by hi3/ShelleensStitching at 9:34 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 2 August 2005
My July Reads
Topic: Books read in 2005
86. Rain- V.C. Andrews B+
87. Turkey Day Murder - Leslie Meier B+
88. Wedding Day Murder - Leslie Meier B+
89. Birthday Party Murder - Leslie Meier B+
90. Father's Day Murder - Leslie Meier B+
91. Star Spangled Murder - Leslie Meier B+
92. Lightening Strikes - V. C. Andrews B+
93. Eye Of The Storm - V. C. Andrews B+
94. The End Of The Rainbow - V. C. Andrews A
95. The Mermaid Chair - Sue Monk Kidd A
96. Tangle Of Lies - Patricia Potter A
97. Cinnamon- V. C. Andrews A
98. Ice - V. C. Andrews A
99. Rose - V. C. Andrews A
100. Honey - V. C. Andrews A
101. Falling Stars - V. C. Andrews A
102. One Shot - Lee Child A
103. Lifeguard - James Patterson A
104. Cross Bones - Kathy Reichs B-

Posted by hi3/ShelleensStitching at 9:18 PM EDT
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My June Reads
Topic: Books read in 2005
I forgot to post this so here goes:
4th Of July- James Patters A
Mimosa Grove - Dinah McCall A
Pendragon: Book Five: Black Water - D. J. Machale A
Mistletoe Murder - Leslie Meier B
Tippy-Toe Murder - Leslie Meier B+
Trick or Treat Murder - Leslie Meier B+
Back To School Murder - Leslie Meier A
Christmas Cookie Murder - Leslie Meier A
Valentine Murder - Leslie Meier A
The Twelfth card - Jeffery Deaver B

Posted by hi3/ShelleensStitching at 9:16 PM EDT
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Another Hot One Today!!
If anyone likes this weather PLEASE take it!! I have had enough!!! And 2 more days of this til it cools back down.
I have been reading alot. I finished Cross Bones by Kathy Reichs and started The Ghost Writer by John Harwood. It is ok so far. Having a little trouble getting into it.
I did stitch an hour yesterday on a Debbie Mumm ornament.
I also have decided to just keep a blog and get rid of my web site. I don't feel that I need both. Plus I just don't have the time anymore to keep up with all of it. I won't use my yahoo photos anymore either.I haven't used them in a few months.
Just trying to keep everything more organized. Anyone else go through this?

Have a great evening,

Posted by hi3/ShelleensStitching at 9:09 PM EDT
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Saturday, 30 July 2005
No pics again today
Supposed to be near 80 and sunny. DH has to fix DS#2's floor since it is caving in. Then DS#2 is going to work at the neighbor's house putting hay in the barn. DS#1 is going to a friend's house and DH and I have no plans. Looks like it will be a boring weekend. But that is ok, they are good to have.
I put in 1 1/2 hours on I Shall Wear Purple while the kids and I ordered a PPV movie. We watched Are We There Yet? it was very funny but the kids are little brats in it.
I finished reading One Shot by lee Child and started Lifeguard by James Patterson. Have almost 1/2 read in that book.
How many readers do I have that read this blog besides just cross stitchers?

have a great weekend!

Posted by hi3/ShelleensStitching at 9:20 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 27 July 2005
Stitchers Blogging Question
Topic: StitchersBloggersQuestion

What is your most unique/interesting stitching quirk? (This could be
something concerning the way you stitch, how you organize your stash,

I have a floor stand and can't stand putting my project in it and have to keep changing the postion whenever you need to change the thread. Well Becky showed me how she puts her magnteic board wioth her pattern and that is attached to her stand. Now I do that and just love it. Thanks Becky!

Posted by hi3/ShelleensStitching at 11:29 AM EDT
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