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Pictures of My Friends!

Here is a few pics of my friends!

This is my friend Jonathan playing with his little toy at band practice! He's is in my youth group, and he's in 11 grade. and he's really sweet!!

This is some of my friends in the eigth grade picture from last year. From left to right:Michelle, Nikia, Tracy, Heather, and Chrissy! They're all really cool!

This is my friend Arabella in 7th grade! She is really cool, and she's good at making people laugh! She's the kind of person that once you meet you'll never forget her!

This is Tiffany! She's the one who everybody respects, and she never bites her tongue about anything! If you ask for her opinion she'll tell you the truth!

This is Jessica! I met her at church when I was 12. I can't really think of much to say about her.