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Pam's Place

Welcome to Pam's Place Valentine's Crafts Page 2.

Candy Roses (pictured below)

A whole dozen ! Candy Rose
For each rose you will need 2 hershey's kisses, clear pink tinted cellophane wrap, green felt(to cut out leaves) or artificial leaves, a 12" green pipe cleaner and florist tape (green tape found at any craft store). Put two hershey's kisses together so that the flat sides meet. Wrap in cellophane so that it hangs down past one of the tips of the kiss. Hold together with a felt or artificial leaf and use the florist tape to wrap them to the pipe cleaner folded in half. If you leave the pipe cleaner 12" long, the flower will be too heavy for the stem and not stand up.

Heart Critters

The kids love this one. You give them a pile of cut out hearts and stickers, some glue, crayons and markers and let them use their imagination to create different critters.
bunny Mouse Butterfly
Cat elephant Look another mouse !
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