Rhiannon Alexander


Place and Date of Birth: Dublin, Ireland May 1727

Age: 275

Appears: 21

Status: Vampire/Former Slayer

Creator: Dominic

Character background: Rhiannon Alexandra O’Hara was born into poverty in Ireland. On her 21st birthday she witnessed the brutal murder of her family, swearing revenge she sought out a “medicine man” who put her under what she thought to be trance. He told her she was the chosen one and that she need to stop denying her powers. Something was awakened in her that day, she discovered talents she never knew exhisted. The man presented her with a silver dagger and said as long as she held it, it would give her immortality and power over the undead. Feeling she was given a quest Rhiannon has lived out her days fighting and destroying immortals. Following her transformation she dropped her family name and went by Alexander.

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