The Remote Impossible Possibility

If you haven't guessed by now, this site is dedicated to the coupling of Buffy Summers and Xander Harris, on the T.V show Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Even if you hate the idea please just look around, read what I've written, I aim to change your mind. When I first thought of doing a B/X page I was pretty unsure as to whether it could (which I've wanted it to since day 1) actually happen. If you take take things at face value it's impossible to tell. But the more and more I looked into past episodes, the more inevitable it has seemed. If you wanted a word to describe what i felt they were, it'd be Soulmates. Sounds crazy yeah? Xander not Angel. Well just read what I've written and you might see my point of view. I might not be right, things could turn out differently; but the opinions found here are just simply my interpretation of events through the three seasons shown so far. Of course i know that there's only one guy who definitely KNOWS what everything that's happened so far means. I'm sure you can guess it isn't me.

***I'm never updating, keep coming back!***

This site was created 21 Aug 1999

26th Sep 1999
I've added a bit to "It's not just me", detailing the reasons of other B/X'ers. I've also added a bit to Xander/Angel?, and added a new story. Sorry for lack of updates, it's just I'm very busy, but I'll do loads for next weekend. And also a special thanks to all the people on the B/X fanfic list for responding to my question. You're all so cool.

What's New? Find out what all my efforts have been wasted on.

B/X Through The Seasons Where you'll find my interpretation of how Buffy and Xander's relationship has evolved. There's a lot of datail, but i've still had to leave stuff out and add lots more all the time. It more or less shows how they are meant to be and why you should forget Angel.

Fan Fiction B/X make you go ewww? Then give some of these a try, PLEASE. They are all extremely well written, imaginative and highlight how good B/X can be. They really do prove the quite obvious theory that a fictional story is only as good as how it is written. Doesn't this show how impossible it is the B/X wouldn't work? (Unless you think Joss and co are crap writers, or Nick and Sarah are bad actors) If you go anywhere, make sure it's HERE.

Opinions Here you'll find archives of the most hotly discussed Buffy topic at the Bronze. It'll show arguements from all sides and points of view. There'll also be the opinions/theories of other people.

Links Links to other B/X sies, fanfic links, general Buffy links and maybe some others. (tell me if you want your site here if it isn't)

Xander or Angel? Here you'll find my own personal opinion, not based on anything other than how I feel. Also here you'll find out why in the end Buffy has to live, and Angel HAS to die.

Why Not? Here you'll find all the answers to the common statements made against Buffy and Xander.

It's Not Just Me. I'm not the only B/X'er around, (yes there are a few others) and here you'll find a collection of different peoples reasons for the choice their 'ship. Maybe you might see where they are coming from.

Comments? Suggestions? Have any? Or just want to flame me? Then send them there. Feedback is appreciated though. Also if you write anything remotely to do with B/X send it to me and I'll put it up here. I'd love new ideas too.

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