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Zelda 64 Cheats and Tips

Welcome to my homepage. This page is a great page for all cheats and tips. I am always working on this page. If anyone has any questions about the game that you would liked answered please send them to my e-mail at

I will post any questions that i recieve and answer them. If you have anything that i could put on this sight to improve it please send it to me. Please come back and visit again!


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I have added the great fairy locations page and have fixed up the screen shots page. You can now ICQ me right from this site. I have been geting alot of mail and my answering time is limited. Please be patient if you don't get your mail back immediatly. Thanks, Jeremy ~~Z64Cheats&Tips~~
I have done ALOT of work! I got all but one of my sections up and I am adding more sections. I have the links, everything guide(which I would like to thank FuzzyLemor for), screenshots, my info, and I am adding a great fairy locations page up now. I added a link to the link page since it was totally deleted I lost it all but I now am building it agian. The message board is open to everyones opinions and the guest book is empty now because it too was deleted. Please sign the guestbook if you haven't. I got to quit writing because I got alot of work to do. Later!
I am very sorry but the page was half way deleted. I am working very hard to get it to normal. Very big thanks to Brian, the webmaster of . I am going to add his link to the link page, WHICH I HAVE TO ADD BECAUSE MY PAGE WAS DELETED!!! If anyone has any suggestions on what ou want me to add to the page, just email me at . I am still answering any questions that I recieve within a 24 hour period. Agian VERY BIG Thanks to Brian for the HTML code for this update section.

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Click on the picture to take a look at the best EVERYTHING GUIDE!! I strongly suggest you look at this before you leave!

Click on the picture above to visit other Zelda pages.

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