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Welcome to Yoshi6400's Web Zone feel free to go around as you please.

This page is still undergoing heavy construction. When complete, there will be more pictures and a updated download section but for now it's just what can be seen right now.

"On holidays, there will be a special message here. By the way, if you didn't know this site was Canadian, now you do."

[ Main | Pokémon | Pikachu Defender | Nintendo Timeline | Pokémon Battle SimulatorMusic Archive | Picture Gallery | Mew's Links ]

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My ICQ# is "40133386"


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Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, and all related characters are ©1989-1999 Nintendo. Pokémon, Pikachu, and related characters are © 1995, 1996, 1998-1999 Nintendo, Creatures Inc., and Game Freak Inc. Yoshi6400's Web Zone is an unofficial Pokémon & Yoshi website, not affiliated with any of the above companies in any way. In no way do I own them or am trying to infringe the copyright. Yoshi6400 is © 1999 Yoshi6400 Productions.

Yoshi6400's Web Zone