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World Wide Message Tibe

Welcome to my site. I am a HUGE WWMT fan. This site is dedicated to the music and life of the well known Christian music band, World Wide Message Tribe that are from England. World Wide Message is a group that travels the Wide World to spread a powerful Message to people around the world. They are called the Tribe because there are so many people in the group.

What ever is on this page will/and can be viewed by the World Wide Message Tribe group. If you check my guestbook you will see Cameron Dante has all ready seen this page and signed the guestbook. Other Tribe members have also seen this page. So a big THANK YOU goes out to Cameron Dante for signing my guestbook


Cameron Dante, from WWMT and his wife just had another baby girl yesterday! Tues, 04 Jan 2000 Named Teaha Braxton! They also had a baby girl last year and named her Romani. CONGRATS CAM.!!!!! Thanks for signing my guestbook too Cameron!

Below is the address for WWMT

The World Wide Message Tribe and Eden are initiatives of The Message to Schools Trust

PO Box 14




England or

Tel: (44) (0) 161 491 5400

Fax: (44) (0) 161 491 5600

The Tribe

The members of the tribe are:

1. Cameron "Double Decks" Danté

2. Deronda Kaye Lewis

3. Tim Owen

4. Emma Owen

5. Claire Prosser

6. Colette Smethurst

7. Frank Green

8. Matt Wilson

9. Emma Hands

10. Martin Standing

11. Lindz

WWMTs Message and How It Impacts Others

and I. Ever since July of 97 I have been keeping in touch with the Tribe members. I really am thankful for that. The Tribe just released a new album calHere is what other WWMT fans have said about WWMT
The first time I met them was when I went to a christian music festival called Sonshine. I REALLY enjoyed their concert, message they gave, and everything else. I met them in line for their autographs. I got many pictures of the Tribe led Frantik. I am sure all WMMT fans including me will get it. The Tribe has also been busy with concerts, exct. I wish the Tribe the best of luck with that. Nika HUGE WWMT Fan. This is my page!

I think the Tribe has a great message that Manchester school kids need to hear!!! Jamie WWMT FAN

Has the WWMTs' music,concerts, or their message influenced you, or helped you?

Have you had any experiances with WWMTs' music or concerts? I would LOVE to hear about it!

PLEASE sign my guestbook. Thanks! Visit my Guestbook
WWMTs Message and How It Impacts Others

World Wide Message Tribe

A new style of music catches my ear

The Tribe is on stage

They start off with an up-beat tempo

The words and music catch my attention

They are a popular group from England

Following their calling by singing about our awesome God

They travel the wide world

To share a powerful message to others

They are World Wide Message Tribe

They get the crowd to clap their hands

Soon the crowd starts mashing

I hear people around me saying

" The Tribe has really influenced me"

I too agree with them

The Tribes' message really opened my eyes and ears

If only I could tell them

The line for autographs is very long

Still I wait in line

I am nervous and excited to meet the Tribe

What should I say to the Tribe

I can't wait to meet them

I have one person ahead of me

Before I meet the Tribe

Finally I am in front of the Tribe

I wanted to tell them what the message did

I instead asked for their autograph

Sure I wanted their autograph

Still I wanted to tell them about their message

I only took one picture

It was a member of the Tribe and I

All of the members of the Tribe are very nice

They made me feel wanted

Why was I so shy when I saw them

Now I saw and met the Tribe

Why didn't I tell them about their message

I stand to the side now

Watching the Tribe signing autographs

I never did tell them what their message meant to me

I wish I told them

If they only knew

I know the Tribe is some where in this wide world

If I had another chance to meet them

I would start by saying Thank You

Thank You WWMT !

I'll never forget how your message impacted me