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CTA Newsletter #2

CTA Newsletter #2

Hi all and welcome to the first issue that I, Ranger Grand Moff Wampa, will be writing! I think that first I should tell you a little about myself. My real name is Joshua Bradley and I am a 13 year old guy who lives out in a rural area in Va and is looking to do something for the Christian faith. I go to a church that is about half-an-hour away and I am home schooled. My goal for this newsletter is to spread the gospel and to encourage others in their walk with Christ. Now for the important part: I need LOTS of input from my readers! Send me cool articles you’ve read, stories you have heard, or anything else that you think might help others. You may find this Newsletter changes from week to week based upon the amount of input I get from my readers. I would like to thank Daniel and Joshua for allowing me to write this awesome newsletter to this awesome bunch of people.

Letters From Our Readers

Ok first off every time you read through an issue and you find something questionable or you would like to share your opinion about something just send me a letter and I will print it along with a response from me. This week as nobody could send me something because this is the first issue I have asked Joshua to write up a short summery of why CTA was started, but in the future make sure you try to send me an e-mail with your opinions of everything from how I am doing to why extra chunky is better then chunky. My e-mail is

Why CTA was started! (by Joshua Lunn)

I have been a Christian for a long time. I accepted Christ when I was really young. I've tried to act as Christian as possible (like not cussing or cheating) but I never really tried to tell other about Jesus. One time I was trading, I got the cards in the mail and when I opened it up there were the cards and a little message that said "Thanks for trading! Hopefully, I will be dead when U read this." I quickly wrote a message to the person. The next day I received a message that said this person could no longer speak to me. With a few more e-mails that were written from this address from some person (I figured it was a relative). I thought he had committed suicide and probably went to hell. I realized that here I had been trading with this person and could have very easily put scripture on the end of my messages or mentioned Jesus. Well, during this I noticed that Daniel had scripture on his letters and I asked him to pray for the family of this kid. The next day I received a message from this person and it stated how he was back living again and how it was all a trick. I told Daniel how he was just tricking me and how I wanted to start an Christian organization so this won't happen again. He told me he to was planning a Christian organization but didn't have the time. So together we started CTA (Christian Trading Alliance)!

Testimonies Of Our Readers

As the above name states, this will be a section in which I will share with you the testimonies of how other readers got saved. I know for a fact that some testimonies and can be from speechless to down right drab, but in my opinion all testimonies are things of greatest importance so no matter how boring you think your testimony might be, send it to me anyway and I will put it in a future issue of the CTA Newsletter .This section will be one of the rarest because once you send me your testimony of how you got saved you can never send me another one.


Every week I will review a Christian book, band, or web site with my personal opinions about it. If you have a good Christian book that you have just read or know of a good web site then send it to me and I will check it out and may review it in a future issue. This week I would like to tell you about one of latest books I have read.

Left Behind: A Novel of the Earth’s Last Days.

In this novel and the two following it, is the tale of how Christ will Rapture the church and how there will be seven years after that that will be the most tragic days in all of the Earth’s history and of four or so people who try to spread the gospel and survive during those seven years. There is one or two things I disagree with (ex. In the final book America leads the fight against the Anti-Christ and I doubt that with our low moral level that we would even consider doing this, but it could happen.) in this book and the first book does start off kind of slow but if you read through it all in all it is a pretty good story. When you read it though, I guarantee you that you will read your Bible and pray more then you did before you read it just because of how unbearable it would be to be left behind. I would recommend this book and the two following it for anyone who is interested in the end times and is over 12 years of age.

Scripture of the Week

Every week I will quote a scripture verse from the NIV or KJV Bible. After this gets going I may also add a weekly Bible reading plan for every day of the week based upon a certain subject.

For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. 1 Peter 1:24, 25


I will sometimes write up an article about something major that is happening in the Christian faith somewhere in the world or I will interview a pastor or someone who is very strong in the Christian faith. This section may only be included in one out of every four issues maybe more maybe less as it is sometimes hard to get an interview. Also if you have an idea for an article then please send it to me and I will look into it and possibly publish it in a future issue.

Prayer Requests

If you have something that needs prayer then write up a short summery of what you need prayer for and send it to me. You can also just ask for a silent prayer request in which you just say that you need prayer but not what it is for. You can also request that I don’t publish it and that just me, Daniel, and Joshua pray for it. All the prayer requests in this section will need prayer so try to add at least one of them to your prayer before you go to bed or at any time during the day.

Auctions and Have/Want lists

Here I will list auctions that people are having or have/want lists that people can look at. For space reasons I will have to ask that you just write up a short summery of what your auction or have/want list has to offer. It should be no longer than 50 or so words and make sure that you include your e-mail address somewhere in it and if you are selling cards than also send me a copy of the cards you have and the prices you will be charging. Here is one that I have already received. If you sent me one this week and it is not in here than please forgive me and send it to me again.

Cloud City auction going on now. Lots of rares, including Fett, Cpt Solo, LS Lando. Also have complete sets of Uncommons and Commons. Email if interested--

I would like to thank you all again for letting me be your editor for this newsletter. This newsletter will get better and longer with each issue and I hope to add MANY more sections including Bible Trivia, ways God has worked in you life, and lots of other stuff so just give me some time and I will pull it off. And make sure that you tell your friends about CTA and try to get them to join. Also if you would send me the following information it would really help me to make a better newsletter.

Your first name. (No last name required)

Your age

Your sex

What card game(s) you collect

What you want to see in this newsletter

A brother in Christ,

Ranger Grand Moff Wampa, Official Editor of the CTA Newsletter