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CTA Newsletter #1

CTA Newsletter #1


Hello fellow CTA Members! I would first like to thank all of you for joining CTA! We now have 37 members! And it is growing every day! Due to so many people joining, I have had to hire a few rangers to help me with all the work. A "Ranger" is someone who helps me do various things. I still need some more "Rangers", so if you want to help tell me. Many of you have asked me about CTA's webpage. I'm still trying to work on it and I may of found someone to become a "Ranger" in charge of that. Also, this will probably be the only newsletter you get from me. "Ranger" Grand Moff Wampa is going to be working on them from now on. And he has a whole lot of good ideas!

Daniel and I have got some new ideas to help make CTA a better group for everyone. One thing I want to get started is an advice area. Which if someone has a question about a trade (like if it is fair or not) or if they have a question about something else they can get some good, Christian advice. Right now if you need any advice you can ask me or Daniel at . And again if you want to be a "Ranger" for this please tell me!

I also need another "Ranger" or "Rangers" to help me check refs! It isn't a really difficult job but when you're doing it for 37 people it takes a lot of time!

And the main way we get new members is people that you have traded with. So tell your friends and others to see if they want to join! Also someone's ref named Jay Adams wanted to join. Unfortunately I mis-spelled his address and I cant write to him. It is something like If you know what it is PLEASE e-mail me! Thanks! Because we don't have an official webpage yet. I would like to have sort of a bulletin board. Right now there is only one but if you're having an auction or maybe a Dagobah set for sale or something like that. E-mail me at And I'll try to get it on.

*Yoshi-wan Kenobi* Premier Auction! Includes Vader's Saber and more! Hundreds to choose from just e-mail me at and I will send you updates That is all for now. Bye and Happy trading!

Jedi Master DS-61-9 of CTAJedi

Master Stormtrooper316 of CTA

Ranger Grand Moff Wampa of CTA

"The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?" Psalm 27:1a