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For the person stuck in the "Life In The Fast Lane" it is all of the above.
Fantastically terrible. Dangerously fun.
A ride that makes life itself worth being here for.

Think the top of this page is too busy? Not for the "Tweeker". To him/her it is pretty slow.
How long did it take you to catch the 19 different things done there? Back up and do it again. The average "Speed Freak" would have caught it all by the second time through. (Approximately 3 1/2 seconds)

Think YOU Are Ready For
Flashing Light Life In The FAST LANE! Flashing Light
(The World of Methamphetamines)

Read On and Find Out...

Readily available. Affordable, (at first). Easy to hide and carry. Quick and easy to do. Relatively safe. All these are things that make "Crystal Meth" the thrill seeker's drug of choice. With a "rush" and a feeling of "I can do anything" that simply cannot be matched, this drug allows the user to face reality through a different viewpoint which can make even the most desperate, the most afraid, the most timid of people become that which they wish to be. For those who do not share these traits, those who are already outgoing and reasonably self assured of themselves, it gives a sense of "superhumaness" and "invinsibility". It requires no special tools. The bureaucratic government requires that I carry the laminated ID card to prove my identity that I can use to both chop the "rocks" into a fine powder and from it into "lines", so that I can now use the dollar bill they also expect me to have in my pocket as a make shift "tooter" simply by rolling it up end for end into a tube. These are the only "tools" I need and both are quickly and easily wiped clean, (Usually on my tongue) and if and when I am stopped and inspected by the Police, I have nothing on me they can use or suspect.

I'm sure by now, you may be wondering just "Who's WebPage Is This?"

My name is Charlie Campbell. I was for several years a "speed freak". Rather than being ashamed or attempting to hide my addiction, I am proud that I made it through it. Many don't. In the end, it was an experience I am glad I went through. It taught me many things about myself as well as other people. Because of it, I learned of another side of life you simply cannot understand unless you have gone through it.

This site will be an attempt to help those who in one way or another have been affected by Methamphetamines. Whether it be the addict, or the person who lives with them. You may be the parent or grand-parent of an addict, or the cop who has to bust them. Hopefully I can help you understand what goes through the mind of a person who probably does not even know he or she is addicted to an "exciting but very dangerous" drug. Hopefully I can help to shed some light on what has become the most widely used "illegal" drug in this country.

I will neither condemn those who use, or condone their actions. I will attempt merely to explain:
1.) to the "non-user": what it is that the addicted person feels and thinks...
2.) to the "user": the falsities or wrongs of the reality they are in...and
3.) to I hope, create a place on the web where both "non-users" and "users" alike can ask real questions and receive real answers to both sides of the problems associated with Methamphetamine Addiction.

Please note as you read and/or use this site that the information found here is not sponsored by any government organization or medical society. I do not have statistics to prove what I will tell you, and every addict in the country knows these are laughable anyway. Those who have not "been there, done that" haven't the slightest idea of what they're talking about but must in some way produce results to continue to receive the federal monies they use for their research and in most cases simply "make something up." My sole authority behind the information I supply here and the advice I can give is that of an exaddict. I have "been there, done that". I survived. That is my authority. I will not attempt to explain other drugs and addictions such as Heroin, Morphine, the "new" Crack, etc. I did not do those and cannot claim any knowledge of them. In an attempt to help those of you who find yourselves now in the "Life in the Fast Lane" as well as those who live with or know a "Speed Freak", I draw only on my own experience. I KNOW what it is like. If you choose to write to me with questions, remember before you do that I will not pull any punches either. I will "tell it like it is". If this is not what you wish to hear, you should consider "not" writting to me at all. I place this site here as a way to help those who want or need it, as well as those who wish to truly try to understand what it is like. My motivation is from two very simple e-mails I received. One from an addicted young woman who wishes to get "clean", the other from a Police Officer who wishes to understand what I'll call the "Crystal Phenomenon". Both of these people, who I do not even know by name, have my highest respect. I thank them both.

Go To 'The Homepage' Go To 'Who Is Charlie Campbell?' About 'Officer G' Go To 'Why Drugs?' Go To 'Q & A' Go To 'Terminology' Go To 'Feelings of a User' Go To 'How Can I Help?'

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