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Gretl's music list

Go to Christopher ( the Captain) Plummers page

Christopher Plummer

Hey everyone welcome to the musical numbers you might think this is boring but when you ever want to see which character is which actor or actress you will be thankful! "The Sound Of Music" . . . . . Maria "Preludium" . . . . . Nuns Chorus "Maria" . . . . . Mother Abbess, Nuns "I Have Confidence" . . . . . Maria "You Are Sixteen" . . . . . Liesl, Rolfe "My Favorite Things" . . . . . Maria "Do-Re-Mi" . . . . . Maria, Children "The Sound Of Music" . . . . . Captain, Children "The Lonely Goatherd" . . . . . Maria, Children "Edelweiss" . . . . . Captain, Liesl "So Long, Farewell" . . . . . Children "Climb Ev'ry Mountain" . . . . . Mother Abbess "Something Good" . . . . . Maria, Captain "Processional" (Wedding) . . . . . Nuns, Chorus "You Are Sixteen" . . . . . Maria, Liesl "Do-Re-Mi" . . . . . Maria, Captain, Children "Edelweiss" . . . . . Captain, Maria, Children "So Long, Farewell" . . . . . Maria, Captain, Children "Climb Ev'ry Mountain" . . . . . Chorus here you can see who sang what!!!!