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  • they went off....they sounded tops and they're mad funny too (not like Guest Speaker - they aren't punk)!!!
  • well it was at school walkathon but it was pretty funny when jayden and darcy did the nude run,also when i think it was bailey who tried to start up a mosh pit,but the teachers stopped that.other than that the guys were really good.
  • swoit
  • would probly be cccoolest
  • fucken tops
  • It was good but they need a little more practise
  • It was fucking sick chops!
  • CRAP
  • Ok
  • Entertaining
  • fucking RULED
  • Sick, they were heaps chaddy
  • sick
  • good probably
  • well I'm sure you guys are awesome but I live in Iowa so I dont get there much to see you live :)
  • well i've only ever seen simo
  • Loud
  • Fucken rad.
  • i'm sure it would have been very good
  • not bad
  • $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  • It was pretty good, fast punk rock type music. you guys were pretty damn funny too
  • i wanna see spudgun goshdarnit hehe
  • fuck'in rocked
  • Um, great, they kicked ass. Ummmmm yeah. Nah, never seen them live but I will, oh yes, I will.
  • Fuckin' funny.
  • you know how people say "my word", well are they using the "word" bit instead of saying a swaer word? you know what i mean?
  • Kool.
  • pretty funny
  • great
  • it rocked
  • We suck sometimes, and other times we fuckin rock so hard and.....yeah!
  • divine
  • Ok...Bass player
  • it rocked
  • well seeing as though only 2 members showed up to play, i'd say it was ok nonetheless, however, i still laugh to this day at simo's attempt at Who Can You Trust by Frenzal Rhomb (sorry simo)
  • real fucked up...nah, blake made me write that too
  • fu#king funny (but good) though! heaps cool
  • Simo's a mad singer
  • if they come to canberra i'll say how good they are
  • okay
  • ok
  • I wish I could but I live a long ways away from you
  • chez mate
  • mmmmmm. unique. walkathon performances rock
  • unreal
  • Pretty crap...
  • pathetic!( but funny) better than fifth place.
  • it was ok, the sax player was a little retarded and didn't really fit in with the music
  • you guys rock but dave sucks trying to be all hardcore
  • Haven't seen them , i will though soon if i can be bothered to drive up to penrith or whatever
  • heaps good
  • it was quite exciting
  • SHITE!!!!!!!!!!
  • not to good that day cause i think the bass player wasn't there
  • pretty good actually!!
  • pretty spiffy!
  • Absofuckingloutly fanfuckingtastic.
  • very,... intimate guitar techniques.
  • funny,wacky,crazy,preety fuckin cool
  • They were shit at judgement, but they had their reasons
  • just the best they were so good i even got a shirt!
  • it can't be improved it's almost as cool as the band
  • It was so good. Way better than Slavegrinder. Simo is so sexy with his guitar and Budge's bass playing is outstanding, Blake's drumming, superb, Dave's stage presence, amazing.
  • interesting...
  • getting ALOT better!
  • veeeeeeery, very cute.
  • Dont know i was fucking their girlfriends
  • well, the singing couldve been betta but i heard ur usual singer wasnt there.
  • Well they were drunk and it was at a party they sucked.
  • sorry but at sk8fest us kinda sucked but u had an excuse so it was ok
  • You guys are always fighting between songs!!
  • in the early stages of their life spudgun were pretty crappy. Now they have evolved into a finely tuned (okay, semi-finely tuned) band.
  • I can't remember it. But I'll say that it went off.
  • good, but hey, they had fun!
  • seen em heaps, i have to say they were good coz budge is here with a strap on threatening to buttfuck me (his dick's too small so i wouldnt feel it) j/k cameron they go hard, i dont care what anyone says...oh yeah, and where the fuck is my cd. i was the first guy ever to buy one and i dont have it
  • it was meca rad,good to skank to(even though it was mostly just me,mark and paul,but then others so that makes it good)
  • sick shit they fuckin kicked
  • I don't know I'm always pissed
  • Heaps mad, a little rusty, though.

  • blake has the sexiest name
  • Dave of course
  • ooooooohh simo!!!!!heheh !!
  • Simo, he's just so lush and punk
  • Dave wat ya dumb
  • i'm no poof - but everyone else says it's simo.
  • simo and dave
  • Simo,because he looks so hot and he looks like a real skatie unlike most who just look fucked.
  • Hmm Simo
  • Simo
  • YOU'RE ALL SEXY BEASTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • All of them
  • DAve , hes a fat unco piece a shit. He also cant play bass for shit.
  • none of em
  • blake he is so hot
  • Paul McCartney
  • ?
  • Simo of kourse
  • mark, blake and ya pal budge mmm yum
  • DOnt know I have a shit computer and none of the pictures worked properly but I think I'd ahve to follow suit and say Simo
  • Simo!!
  • well, there's so many to choose from.......DAVE!!!
  • blake
  • None sorry not like that
  • me
  • um, from your dodgy pictures i'd say most likely Blake but idunno
  • none of em
  • wouldn't you like to know!!!
  • Do I have to answer that?
  • I have no clue whatsoever!
  • simo of couse
  • blake and simo.blake's as sexy as and simo,he's so sweet and shy
  • oh....let me think
  • me of course but second is i guess Simo
  • All of u
  • Well I would have to say budge, the photographer and designer of spudgun merchandise
  • gee i dunno
  • blake
  • Simo
  • yeah i'd say Simo
  • haha what a funny question, its not like you's are competing over who's spunkier or nothing hey
  • blake and simo
  • simo you rule
  • Simo, without a doubt.
  • Um
  • Budge!!!!!!!!!!!! I think , I've only seen two pics of him though
  • i dont want to answer that
  • Chloé most definitley... she's SO hot!
  • oh cameron,for sure
  • blake
  • blake and simo
  • well probally the girl, but budge does have nice arms, hmmmm?
  • none
  • ur all ugly soz
  • BUdge
  • CHLOE FOR SURE! ! ! !
  • umm, its a toss up between budge and chloe and blake and simo... i reckon... umm.. chloe.
  • ahh...
  • simo
  • well, lets see, the only time ive seen spudgun was up a a shitass gig at Emu Plains Com Centre where only about 20 ppl showed up and only simo and the drummer (insert name here) were playing so i havent seen Chloe ,but seeing as though im a guy i'll have to say her anyway, and my, havent i said quite a lot, im sorry
  • monkey
  • none of em
  • simo and blake
  • Budge!!!He's a very nice young gentleman
  • blake
  • i only know of simo and the budge guy
  • u guys r all ugly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • budge
  • all of them.. but will be Daniel when he joins hehe
  • um I don't know All of them...well all of the guys...
  • Ummm well if I said Chloe I would sound like a lesbian..sooo ummmaybe budge
  • Blake
  • I'll say Chloe coz if i say any of the guys they'll getbigheaded/offended :)
  • um i dunno seen as i aint gay chloe!
  • simo simo simo simo- he's sensitive to a gal's needs
  • Simo
  • casey for sure
  • Simo!!! duh!
  • Emily
  • budgey boy
  • simo by far, dave is an ugly cunt and the others are ok. mark was the best by far and he rocks
  • well i'm expected to say chloe cause i'm a guy but she's ugly, so no-one
  • Chloé of course duh!
  • the vegan guy, Simo
  • you had to ask didn't you
  • simo
  • all of you are sexy.
  • simo
  • hhhhhmmmmmmm simo or budge.. sorry blake!!
  • i liked cameron for a while, and simos pretty hot.. =]
  • BUDGE!!!!!!! *DROOL* and simo, what a sweety
  • go budge!
  • Simo.
  • blake with his bone on his arms and hi 1 cm legs
  • BUDGE!!!! ~drool~ what a honey
  • that's have to be simo...oh, I don't know. hahaha
  • simo!!
  • budge
  • Simo, for fucken sure.
  • Kimberly Davies
  • blakeblakeblakeblakeblakeblakeblakeblake...
  • all of them are sweet in their own strange ways.
  • None i want the girlfriends
  • dave
  • all of em!
  • Fuckin' Budge !!!!!!!!!!!!
  • the drummer i love his skinny buttox and i love the way you can see his ribs , they are just so sexy and appealing .plus i like his t-shirt
  • chloe
  • SIMO!!
  • definatley simmo the vegan!
  • Cameron. Definately.
  • The monkey
  • i'm a guy you stupid wankers, j/k
  • if she was a member: chloe's sister ,boy is she beautiful....i saw her at the footy..WOAH..only a year younger or somethin too
  • All of them are fuckable !
  • Simo
  • no comment!!
  • This is my first time. Hope its as good for you, as it is for me.
  • This page rulz!!!!
  • sounds! music, pixs of yous playin live
  • It fucken rocks
  • More pics, and more chiks
  • what a sick page....simo you are a genius. you other guys are alrite too i guess. more pics would be tops.
  • well love the page,especially the pics and simos bus,i like that,ummmmmm the only improvement would be maybe to get pics of u guys at ur gigs ala giselles party,hopefully we'll get pics of u guys then
  • pretty mad.
  • it kicks assss
  • Don't change a thing it is fucking sick
  • More pictures
  • You guys suck. I heard yas play at Giselles. YOU SUCK`
  • Turns me on
  • its a bit of alright
  • can't really be improved
  • This page is very funny
  • it fucking RULZ
  • Nah mate it's cool and even if it's not who cares punk isn't about being neat and ahving pretty pictures it's about how you want it and how you like it
  • It is sick!!
  • do i give a shit?
  • Your page is kool it really wouldn't matter if it sucked kuz you guys are awesome
  • Put sexy pics of me on it and eveyone will visit it
  • um,it's pretty damn nifty but i've never heard your band and i don't like all them music types it's jsu t you have a range that doesn't apply to me .
  • Pretty damn Nifty,but who the fuck are you? add more styles of music below, none of em apply to me fully.
  • hmmm well i saw it once before and i must say its looking better but ya should have some little animated thingys on here cos they're cool hehe
  • ?
  • Put pics of palisade on there hehehe (PLEASE)'cause we're to dumb to figure out to setup a hompage for ourselves!
  • i like it
  • hey I dont know how it can be improved I think it is pretty damn cool!
  • less pics of simo
  • it's fuckin' mad.
  • Clean up your act and your room, Simon
  • Um.....I dunno. I rather like it.
  • Cool page.
  • This is a fucken sick site. Spudgun fucken rocks. Next Friday is ganna go off. How good is beer. Cya cunts later
  • a picture of me right on the front page would be lovely
  • not bad
  • This page is the damn greatestI love the pics
  • it's pretty good
  • tis a pretty choice bro page as for improvements, hmmmm dunno itssuper as it is
  • it's fuckin' good
  • Mmmmmmm very nice needs more sexy pictures...Tabs are cool, but needs bass.:)
  • It's brilliant as it is. The site is as "spudgun" as spudgun is.
  • Um, I dunno?
  • MOre pics !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • what the jamison do you think you're doing!
  • Kool.
  • great
  • excellent fellas
  • kick ass, Spudgun is better than ambercrombie
  • ???????????????//
  • Fuckin sick site guys. Everyone come back regulaly cause we update it all teh time, with pics from out gigs and partys and to find out when we have gigs ans shit, keep comin back to the site or send us E-mail! I'm just doin the survey cause...........I'm so fuckin bored.
  • you need more filthy pictures, and free bags of lollies, with lots of red jelly babies.
  • Dont know?
  • well i havent had too much of a look around but so far it has been pretty fucking good
  • shit
  • its ok! most probly should have an online chating sevice on the page some every fan can talk
  • not bad pretty good not bad. get some pics of my saxamaphucked-up-piece-of-shit yeah!
  • its flippin fantastic
  • n/a
  • play better
  • Mm ya could turn it into a silverchair page i guess? or even better.. get daniel johns to join Spudgun.. yeah rock on
  • It's a very lovely page I can't think of a way to improve it
  • Nah i'd be thinking this page is pretty rad.....
  • It's pretty awesome!
  • spudgun r chez coz they have my name and they also rock even tho i've never heard them i just kno these things... and i'm soooo NOT a homie i just found that option amusing. punk rocks! :)
  • mmm. dunno..great band bio's
  • it's a kick ass page and it doesn't need improving.
  • put more pictures of the sexy fifth place boys
  • it's pretty ok
  • cool page should have some silverchair shit
  • phat!
  • Put a decent band on here!
  • it's good you should get more full band shots up
  • more pics and better sounds because none of them work
  • it's sick, but more pics and you guys need to do some gigs up here, get into the warrimmoo ones.
  • i reckon its pretty sick,if yas really skate and stuff get some pics up there! good on ya's for being punk!
  • whoa, the writing is big!! but it looks good anyway.
  • I think your lyrics are great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • the page is great
  • hmm your back ground suck ass
  • Chloé
  • nah your page is cool as it is but in the history update it guys!! oh and for pics can we have some better ones of budge and blake where we can actually see ur faces??
  • you cant, its just mad
  • It can't. it fucking rocks!!!
  • get rid of the angelfire microsoft explorer boxes thatALWAYS pop up!!!
  • this is like, soooooo cool man!
  • This Survey is fucked it takes 2 long 2 fill out im loosing precious wanking time
  • It's fucken ace!
  • pretty cool page. Liked the bio.
  • its pretty good already... actually i couldn't give a fuck so i'll leave this Question
  • siiiiiiiick, man.
  • It's kool..i saw u's play at skatefest. Paul gave me this site.
  • the lyrics are in so indepth and beautiful it is just so amazing
  • its great but like most other sites it needs bass tabs so i can steal your songs
  • Well, you could get more pictures of Stixx from Slavegrinder up here.
  • mmm... page is great. Better than the band. Just jokes
  • This page fucking rocks. get more pics!!
  • Fucken sick site man!!!
  • umm, i'd like to see my name up there more often, haha. get more fuckers to write on the msgboard coz its getting boring...yeah, umm
  • add some naked pix of me to increase the number of visitors to the page
  • some nudies would be nice...
  • more pics
  • It's pretty good. The background is a bit fagy!
  • i like Twiggy Ramirez from Marilyn Manson... (u werent specific)... Must commend him on his courageous attempts at fashion (keeping in mind, he tries to break the barrier between male and female)
  • Dave, he is so big and cuddly.
  • dont know anyother spudgunner but simo really, and hes so groovy! and we seem to like the same things so hes pretty supa!
  • Simo, cause he's a gun on the guitar
  • Dave, he is so cool and he is cool
  • i can't decide - but not blake 'cos he's a houso.
  • simo and dave,they are so sweet and they are just so sexy *L* oh yeah message from budge dave--chicken stirfry---whatever
  • dave
  • Dave,simo,mark&blake
  • ALL of em there just so darn Cute
  • simo, cause.....i dont know
  • Don't have one love them all
  • blake a piece of white trash who dont deserve shit
  • Big Dave, he rides kawasaki and is me neighbour
  • Paul McCartney
  • ?
  • You all kik ass
  • yas all rule man
  • Simo cause he signed my guestbook
  • Simo, cause he is a babe!
  • Dave is a cool bloke, and Simo is my deb partner, so I'd say itis a fair tie
  • simo. good choice in musik!
  • You guys are all funny
  • Simo he's my friend's brother
  • I love youse all
  • hmmm, i really don't know, simo sounds rather much like an arsehole from the Loki guestbook
  • none of em, oh no offence i just don't know who thw fuck you are, oh but Simo sucks,and with a name like that you sound like a bloody dairo
  • can't answer that seeing as i know none of ya's
  • UM,I dunno.Blakes got a great body,but then simo plays guitarwhich is f'n cool and then Dave he plays rugby aswell so he's bitchin too. So i love all you guys!!!You guys are my HEROES!!!SPUDGUN ROCK!!!
  • SIMO- guitar- i play
  • I dont know
  • simon cause his the only one i know
  • blake and simo.blake:funny,sexy,HOTsimo:cute,shy and sweet.
  • simon of course
  • Well, I've gotten email from Simo so I guess he wins.
  • me again because groopies rule!!!!!
  • Ummmmm Blake cause he's wearing awesome clothes in the pic.
  • Simo, he's a mad cunt. But they all are really.
  • simo cause he talks to me
  • it's all good
  • Simo He is the greatest!!!
  • Simo cos he's a vegan
  • refer to the who's the sexiest answer, but yes i can't say i know any of you anyways so for now i shall just havta say all of ya's?!?!
  • blake and simo turn me on
  • simo cuz he's a cool vegan skater punk guy and he likes coal chamber and ummm yeah
  • Simo - knew him from the 'net before I even met him in real life.
  • Um
  • Simo & Bugde I dont know anyone else & there heaps nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • i dont like blake
  • Chloé - because I have a wicked crush on her.
  • cameron...i love u cameron
  • blake 'cause he's so damn cute but don't tell him that 'cause he might get a big head
  • blake 'cause he does it all 4 me and simo 'cause he is such a sweety.budge is bloody gay
  • Simo, because thats a kick ass name
  • none
  • marc cos he rox
  • Budge funny and hot
  • Well i have to say Chloe cause..well...yeah, but simo is a fuckin mad cunt, Blake is a sick arse drummer, and i suck on bass!
  • budge cuz he ate a bread roll and his hair defies gravity.. or maybe simo cuz he had a cigar with us.. or blake cuz he bagged us out.. or chloe cuz she has a hai..
  • Budge..cause he fucking rocks
  • simo-hasn't got a mean bone in his body and doesn;t give a shit what pple think.true artist
  • umm, i only know simo so i'll say, umm, SIMO?
  • budge cos he's a dusty fucker...blake made me writ that oneaswell
  • budge is cool, hey by the way budge got ya p's yet?
  • budge cause hes on the net the most
  • i hate u all
  • Oh dear, hard.. Simo cos he likes Daniel, Blake cos he has cool hair and Budge well just cos hes mad :-Þ
  • Well I dont know any of you...but I'll have to say Simo because he doesn't eat animal products...and hes been in the band the longest.
  • Chloe, just because she's a chick and there aren't many chicks in punk bands these days
  • I like them all for different reasons
  • me. coz i'm not in spudgun but me names spud so that just makesme chez.
  • simo, as i said he's sensitive
  • Simo just cause
  • none,maybe simo for his body
  • budge 'cos he HOT!! and pretty funny
  • simo because he is going out with cherie and he gave me free beer
  • simo cause he'!
  • blake coz he has a sexy girlfriend!
  • budge cause he has cool hair
  • simo cause he's heaps good looking and funny. and the sax player sucks, she's so try-hard and dumb
  • i dunno
  • Chloé caus its mad that a chick like that is in a band good on her!
  • i dunno i like budges hair
  • stop asking this type of question!!!
  • Simo & Budge because they're the only ones I know
  • simo- cause he is the nicest and the rest of you are bastards for picking on him don't worry simo i still love ya
  • simo because hes on my icq list
  • hhhmmmmm i dont know, budge coz hes a funny cunt
  • all of em are pretty good
  • budge is purdy, um, simo's a chez, dunno dave and blake
  • The 1 that looks like a monkey...cuz he looks like a monkey....
  • simo he was like me skinny as pie
  • you all fucking rock xoxox
  • simo cuz he's in my tudor
  • The drummer he's pretty good
  • budge and simo coz their SICK CUNTS!!!!
  • Simo because the rest of them are all cunts
  • Simo, cause he invited the Shenanigans on the S.O.S. Tour. Hemust be THE MAN.
  • blake because hes a 100% sick-ass guy!
  • live, i'd have to say simo cuz...he smiles alot. :)
  • The girlfriends. they root as good as sally did in her porno (home anda away sally)
  • All of em, cause they're all sexy!
  • Budge & Simo 'cause I love 'em there great guyz ,, even if they do have too many girlfriends to handle
  • the drummer
  • simo
  • Simo, he's such a fucking dork it's adorable
  • Simo, because he likes Type O Negative!
  • mmmm. Simmo and Dave.. they are so seksy. Blake is a funny little elf type guy. Budge cause he's a chad.
  • Cameron....Cuz he's fucking sexy
  • The monkey, because its hairy and its fucken sexy!
  • well blake and dave arent really friendly to me so i'll say budge and simo coz, do stuff
  • the whole band really. i have blakes broken drumstick from evans(and i swiped the set list) i think dave went to my primary school and i think mark is classed as a member.
  • Budge & Simo cause we've never spoken to Dave or Blake ,but Blake's a cutie too.
  • Simo - he looks rather innocent..
  • Simo and Blake......there so hot
  • I like them all
  • Blake. I've met him at a party

