Blue Rooster Productions Presents An Evening With.... Little Feat

A promoter'a worst nightmare is that his or her show(s) will not only not make any money but actually lose some despite their best efforts. Little Feat, "The Jam Band's Jam Band!", travelled to Hawaii March 2 thru 6, 2005 and played to some very disappointing "crowds". To make matters worse, I couldn't help but feel the irony that although we live on an Island with a population of nearly 800,000, we couldn't even draw 500 people to see this legendary band that has been together since 1973 and still creates vital, new music while two nights later, at the same club, literally thousands paid $56 + to see what amounted to a glorified Las Vegas cover band! The Doors of the 21st Century didn't play anything that was written after 1971 (when Jim Morrison died) instead opting for "The (Original) Doors' Greatest Hits"! Their new singer was Ian Astbury, formerly of the English rock group called The Cult and it seems he was chosen mostly cuz of his resemblance to Jim Morrison (it sure wasn't his voice! :-) Every night in Las Vegas, there are Elvis impersonators, etc. performing and I would liken "D21C" to that type of revue, they might be OK musicians but they sure aren't creating anything new. Can anyone explain this to me? (This is actually a rhetorical question but I sure as hell wish I knew the answer!) Anyway, Little Feat "kicked ass"! :-)
I was working the door at the Pipeline Cafe so could not take any pictures but mahalo to John for taking these for me ;-)

Little Feat

Richie Hayward

Fred Tackett

Fred Tackett, Bill Payne and Shaun Murphy

Little Feat

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