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*~Shout Outs~*

Hey, Well this page is made for all my friends out there!!

"If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I would not jump with them, I would be at the bottom to catch them"

*Chasity Lausanne~ Girl I love you, You are my bestest best bud in the whole world and I will ALWAYS be here for you no matter what, even if it means driving around for hours trying to find your ass!!

Thank for everything, don't know what I would ever do without you

*Tiffany Wootten~ Keep it real girl, still disapointed in you for what you did, but I will get over, just watch out and don't get in trouble, outta all of us you are supossed to be the smart one!!
*Emily Feron~ We have been friends forever, and no matter what you will always be my best friend... thank you
**Robby Locas~ Hun you are like my main man... my bestest best guy friend...Sorry things didn't work out... but our realtionship is more to me than any guy... girls and guys come and go, good friends will last forever
**Chris Wagner~ Well we made it last for a long time, my frist love... the man who kept me sane, although drove me crazy in soo many diffrent ways... I love you baby(as friends) will be in my heart forever(And Kristi, keep him happy!) Good luck and do what you can, You can do alot!
*Crystal and Karen~ You two are the best, and I miss you lots and lots
*Nick Giles~ well, what can I say??? I misses you , and do wanna come home!
*Mark Kelloway~ ahhh...Mark, we have been through alot, I still cry when I hear that song you sent me... Miss you babe!
*ANYONE From Bridgewater that I may have forgotten right now~ Guys I love you all... that' my real home, and I will return someday
*Bruce Smith~Hey hun,Well here you are... it's real nice meeting you, I can't think of anything real funny to put.. umm yeah you gotta help me with that number crap they teach us in school...what's it called? ahh math....that's it!
*Ana Maher~ Girl, keep smilin' I miss you
*Justin Spidle~ ahh Justin, I miss you soo much, I am soo sorry about everything...remember, we are ONE! great minds think alike... we will always be friends, it was ment that way!
*Doug Cottrell~ You have to leave me, I know you are pissed right now, but please forgive me. I miss you soo much, believe that.... You are a great person, keep it that way please
*Andrew Bignell~ Hey you...don't worry you won't flip burgers, I know you try... just keep it up ok? they will relise it soon what a great and smart guy you are

*Savanna,Melissa,and Jessica~ My lunch time girls... hehehe, hey guys!
*Natalie Thompson~Yeh Lrig!! s'tahw up?? evah yna sgod esahc uoy yeltal?? I dah illihc snaeb dna acoc aloc rof ernnid yadot! tog yna eistoot spop?? Stel og ees Knah!! ahaha thgir!
*Johanna Morton~Thanx for getting me settled into the new school, I love it here
**Patrick Crandall~ Hey hot stuff...wanna happy meal? or lets go drinking!!! hehehe luv yas!!
*Trevor,Tim and Rick~ GUYS STOP PICKING ON ME!!!
*Craig Venoitte~ Hey sweetie, gotta hang out somtime
*James Hingley~ That date was the sweetest thing anyone has every done for me...thank you!
*Andrew Dykens~ Hey, You better keep Nat happy... and don't worry... and girl that is that crazy about a guy won't go for anyone else...!
*Kennith Nordin~ love you sweetie, You are the best. We have known eachother forever.... Keep being you, I would never want you any diffrent
*My Aussie Friend Nick~ Oh my, when ya gunna call me next babe??? hehehehe shhhhh don't tell!
*Kevvy Pooh~ Sorry I forgot to put you on here the first time!! miss talking to you all the time... Gald you found someone, have a great trip, I wish you all the best in the future!

*Andrew Roberts~ Well Babe, what can I say??? things are crazy right now, but you have got to be one of the bestest friends I have ever had, and hope we will remain this way for a long time... Thank you for everything!xoxox

Sorry if I have forogtton anyone, I am real tired tonight, just let me know ok!! I love you all!
Love always, Sarah
