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Ventilator Troubleshooting

First attend to the Infant with Resus Bag.
Most ventilator faults are generally a disconnection or occlusion of the Ventilator Circuit.

Check the circuit from the hose to the humidifier Chamber (illustrated here kinked),
and from the humidifier along the Inspiratory tube to the patient Wye and back to the ventilator via
the expiratory hose, look for disconnection or occlusion, and resolve these.

Sensor failure:

A sensor failure alarm can be generated by fluid collecting within the flow sensor,
i.e.: Surfactant, this will be illustrated by a loss or reduction of the flow sensor data
on the monitor, a new sensor will be the only way to resolve this.
Sensors and Circuits available in Equipment room..

Sensor Alarm (illustrated above) is an indication that there is a bad connection
in the heater wire running down the sensor tubing.
Solution: this can most often be resolved by simply Unplugging the
sensor heater wire from the rear of the Partner monitor and plugging it in again.

after correcting this error the "Silence/Reset" button needs pressing to
turn off the Sensor alarm indicator.

It is a standard telephone connection that requires the tag to be squeezed to release it.
the wiring is quite fragile, and needs protecting from pulling or twisting.

Replace the sensor with a new one if the Plug reconnect fails to resolve the error.
Sensors and Circuits available in Equipment room..

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Designed for NICU Waikato Hospital 
© René Turner  19/08/99