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Hello everyone and welcome to my 2nd page
Here you will find alot of mods to do, to radios
But keep in mind these are mods that should only be done
by a skilled tech and I am not responsable
for any mods info done to your radio.

Now let's get started,it seems to me that everyone is asking
about how to convert there galaxy or there ranger or other Export radios
here I will list some of these radios and how to convert them to cb bands.
Galaxy 33 HML ...... Remove top cover of radio and towards the front of the radio you will see a little orange jumper wire sometimes red or white remove that jumper wire and where you removed that jumper wire there will be 2 pins soldered together unsolder those 2 pin and solder them back individually and the radio is converted to cb bands.
Galaxy 44v...... Remove bottom cover (speaker side)and locate board on left side of radio(the radio knobs facing you) and you will see a orange wire on top of this board some times red or white unsolder this wire or cut it into and heat shrink it so it will not short out now there is a screw holding that board to the radio now remove that screw and look on the bottom side of that board you will see a row of pins with nothing pluged in to it there will be a plug there that plugs right in to it now fasten the board back to the radio now up in front of the radio there will be a little 3 pin plug to plug in right next to the channel board on the main circuit board plug it in and you are converted to cb bands. Note watch that plug up front it's kinda tricky.
Galaxy 55v........ The conversion is the same as the Galaxy 33 hml.
Galaxy 66v........Remove the bottom cover(the speaker side) and locate the board on the left (the radio knobs facing you) and on top of that board you will see a red jumper wire unsolder this wire or cut it and heat shrink the ends so you don't short them out now remove screw holding board to the radio and on the bottom side of this board you will find a row of pins that nothing is pluged into you will find a plug some where in the area and just plug it into the board now put screw back in and fasten to radio you are now converted to cb channels.
Galaxy 77hml....... Has the same conversion as the 33 hml and 55v.
Galaxy 73v........ Now here is the trickest one take speaker side off and you will see a shiny box to your left(the radio knobs facing you) there is a screw holding this to the radio remove this from the radio and lift the frequency counter out of the way(the shiny box)don't go very far because it is attached to the main board now on the channel selector board you will find a small red jumper wire remove that wire (if you are unsoldering this wire instead of cutting it be very careful this is surface mount tech and can be damaged by heat) now you will see a plug that is not plugged in.Plug it in to the empty plug on the channel selector board now you will have to look pretty hard but there is a yellow wire and a brown wire there that is cut into seprate pieces and they are coverd in heat shrink on the ends just solder the yellow to the yellow and the brown to the brown and cover with haet shrink now replace the frequency counter back to the radio and now you should have cb channels.
Galaxy 88hl...........Same conversion as the galaxy 66
Galaxy 99v.............Same conversion as the 88 and 66.
Galaxy 2527.......take the top cover off of the radio and look at the inside at the very front of the radio right behind the display there you will see a black sleeve that is next to to pins that have nothing on them now when your radio is new the package that has the mic holder and screws will have a little black sleeve take that black sleeve and slide it over the 2 pins that have nothing on them now you will have 26.000mhz to 32.000 mhz.

Connex 3300..........This radio has the same conversion as the galaxy 33 hml.
Connex 3300HP.......... This radio also has the same conversion as the galaxy 33.

RCI 2950......... Same conversion as the 2527.
Sorry guys I'm still working on this one.

Limiters for the galaxy radios And Connex, mirage,superstar,Northstar Radio's
The audio Limiters for the Galaxy 33hml,44v,55v,66v,88hl,99v,Saturn,Pluto,Mirage 44,88,9900,6600,superstar 3900,3900G,is resistor 249 Marked on the circuit board as r 249.
connex 3300,Connex 3300Hp,Connex 3300Plus.
Limiters for ranger radio's (Rci)
Audio limiters for the rci,2950,2970,Galaxy satuarn turbo,22b,rci 2990,mirage 2950,is resistor 191 Marked on the board as r 191.
Limeters for the All Cobra 25 (Except the Plus)And For all of the Uniden 66
Limeter is diode 9 Marked on the board as D-9.
Limeters for the All Cobra 29 (Except the Plus)And For all of the Uniden 76
Limeter is diode 11 Marked on the board as D-11.
Limeters for the All Cobra 148 And For all of the Uniden Grant Non Export Models
Limiter is Resistor 131 Marked on the board as r-131.
More of the new radio conversion's to come as well as ther limeter's such as the connex 4800,virage 3300,3300hp,3900,super star ranger3300,connex 4400,connex4400hp, As well As many other's.

Variable adjustments:
Galaxy 33hml:Hi Power Vr 13 LO Power Vr16
Galaxy 44 v: Hi Power Vr 13 Lo Power Vr16
Galaxy 55 v: Hi Power Vr 13 Lo Power Vr16
Galaxy 66 v: Hi Power Vr 13 Lo Power Vr16
Galaxy 77Hml:Hi Power Vr 13 Lo Power Vr16 Ssb Power Vr12
Galaxy 88 Hl:Hi Power Vr 13 Lo Power Vr16 ssb Power Vr12
Galaxy 99 v: Hi Power Vr 13 Lo Power Vr16 Ssb Power Vr12
Galaxy 959:(New Ping Board) Hi Power Vr 14 Lo Power Vr18 Ssb power Vr17 Modulation Vr13,Vr16
The new Galaxy 2517 and the connex 4800 use these same adjustments as the Galaxy 959.
Galaxy Pluto: Hi Power Vr13 Lo Power Vr16 Ssb vr12
Galaxy saturn Base: Hi Power Vr 13 Lo Power Vr803
Galaxy 2527 Base Hi Power 13 Lo Power Vr 15
Galaxy saturn Turbo: Hi Power Vr13 Lo Power Vr 15
Connex 3300 And the Hp: Hi Power Vr13 Lo Power Vr 16
Super star 121: Hi Power Vr 13 Lo Power Vr 16
Super star 3900 and the 3900 G: Power Vr13 Ssb vr 12

Have any questions or comments fell free to leave them on my message board or e-mail me at