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If you put a HTML tag-link on your page of mine, I will do one of the following:
  1. Put a HTML tag of your site on mine.
  2. Put your site in my link section.
  3. Or put you on my thanked people Page-O-People page.

The HTML that you need to put on your page is CASE SENSITIVE so you should just copy it and paste it on your site. I would thank your verry much if you participate. The HTML for my site is:

A href=>IMG SRC= border=0>/a>

But of course if you know anything at all about HTML you would relize that you need to put a < in front of the IMG and and A on A href, and in front of the a> at the end. If you put the HTML-link on your site or if you cant get it to work just email me. My email is at the bottom so just click on the link. I can give you all the HTML regularly on email with out it actuly making the HTML tag.

Now I probably sound stupid but if any body knows how to write a HTML tag like the one above with out haveing to take out the < in it. Cuz if I put the < in it, it would make the actual HTML tag and you would not know what the HTML was for the Tag. If so could you PLEASE tell me Via EMAIL AT THE BOTTOM. Thanks :)


(And wen you click on the picture it should bring you to my site--The link should work proporly)


  1. Remember to Email me if you have any questions or coments about my page. Or if you just feel like emailing me for the heck or fun of it. If you email me tell me that you visited my page. I LOVE EMAILS! And I will almost positively respond to most. And if you want to request a prog or you have one that you want me to add just email me. Thanks!
  2. I havnt realy been working much on my site lately. Once a week or so I will just give it a tuch up here and there. If you have any suggestions at all, Please do tell me. I would love to get emails telling things I am doing wrong or even right!!!
  3. Lately I have been in school. In my school we have a LAN. I forgot my Password for my LAN Login and they wont tell me! This is practicly FORCING people to hack or login with somebody elses login. I mean how stupid can these people be??
  4. Does anybody know where I can get a Email host that would let you use them on Outlook Express. Im asking if you know a Email that alows you to use POP and SMTP. If you do know of this miracle please email me. Thanks!!

    Want to know what Internet Browser and Version you are using? PROGCOUNTRY tells you.


    Click the link to go to the kind of progs you are looking for.

    • Click here for my AIM progs.
    • Click here for my ICQ progs.
    • Click here for my Trojans.
    • Click here to go to my Official PKK Baldurs Gate page.
    • Click here for my COOL abuse/quiz page.
    • Click here for my GREAT Page-O-Links page!

    • Click here for my page on Hacking.

    Email me by clicking on the mail box! My name is Noah! My AIM name is Morgonty!My ICQ number is 37540100! And for that New Messenger MSN Messenger search for my by my email.!!


    Thanks for stopping by and come back!!

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