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--> The Department of Education (Hawaii) Sucks! Dear BoE,
You guys are so STUPID!

This is why they suck:

The Department of Education (DoE) and the Board of Education (BoE) are a bunch of liars and sycophants (ASSKissers). They are given the right to ban sites they do not deem suitable for access from school computers. That is fine with me when they ban things that contain pornographic scenes, vulgar language and explicit materials. But when they banned my site, that's when I learned that they are a bunch of LOSERS! Look through my site and tell me whereto find ANY vulgar, pornographic or explicit material! (other than this page)

Please e-mail me with your support at with the subject "DOE Ban", I will be making a petition to send them. Please be civil and no threats, any material with threats or vulgar language will be discarded from the petition or edited. You can also e-mail them your opinion at Again, be civil and do not threaten them in anyway, they have the money for lawyers, they can (and probably will) prosecute you.

I am also working on a petition to e-mail the DOE of the US, not just Hawaii. So if your school has banned sites that are perfectly legitimate and they go through a DOE server please e-mail me also.

Below is a list of sites that are banned by the DOE that should not be banned (but are): The whole page is banned.
My site The whole page.
My Den The whole page.
The Great Library (Palin Majere) The first picture is banned from being viewed.
No Title The Portal picture is banned from being viewed.
Advertising Panel I agree that the site should be banned, but not this part!
JJ Web Design The whole page The whole page
any site with Why?

Below is a list of sites that should be banned:
The Office It's got the F word everywhere! It's an escort service!
This and this are the same page, the DOE probably doesn't know this.
The WetSpot This is a site with sexually oriented jokes. Do I need to see this at school? NO! But I can! Send horse manure to people. Do I need this? Well maybe the DOE would like some...

More will be added to list as soon as I can find them. Keep in mind that I will not be able to find more sites after 6/9/99 until the date of 8/24/99 (next school year) But more information and beloved DragonLacne information will be added all summer so do not despair.