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I am an editor for a web search. My duty is to list and review the sites that have been submitted to me. My topics are Marmalade Boy or Yu Yu Hakusho. If you want your site submitted to a web search, fill out this form.

But if u want me to add your site in my links page please fill out the form also.


1. It must involve either Marmalade Boy or Yu Yu Hakusho.

2. If there is such a thing as hentai/ecchi sites for these topics, those kind of sites are not allowed to be in the websearch.

3. You must fill out all areas of the form.


1. Read Rules
2. Fill out the Form
3. Press "send"
4. Wait till u get info that your site is added (if u request an email)
5. (optional) think about joining my anime ring!! hehehe.
6. (optional) or applying for a award!!



Website Address:

Website Name:



Want to be emailed when your site has been added?
Yes No

Did u want me to put your link in my LINKS page?
Yes No

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