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grapefruit facts

--The Brief History-- --Why is it called that?-- --A longer/detailed History-- --Where do they grow?-- --All those Varieties!-- --Seasons they grow-- --Selection and Handeling-- --Nutrition Facts-- --How do I prepare them?--

The Brief Outline!


Grapefruit most likely came from Jamaca.
It was brought there in the 1500's by the
Spanish explorers. Grapefruits come from
trees that long, shiny, dark green leaves.
The fruit is mostly juice and are on average
4-6 inches in diameter, although some can grow to be
as large as 20 feet! There are about 20
different types of grapefruit all together.
The most common are the white or yellow
called Duncan or Marsh, and the reddish or pinkish
called Ruby or Webb. A grapefruit has only 70
calories each and is an excellent source of vitamin C,
and has inositol (part of Vitamin B) in it. It is often
a breakfast food, or put into a salad, or squezzed
into a juice. Almost all grapefruit in the United States
is grown in Florida, California, Arizona, and Texas.
Name Origin
How come a grapefruit is called a grapefruit?

The grapefruit really should have been called a different name, since the name has no botanical relationship to grapes.  The size of the fruit and the fact that it grew in bunches or in clusters like grapes, prompted a 19th century naturalist to make the new fruit's name to grapefruit.

Heres what it might have been called--
Captain Shaddock brought the seeds of the pummelo from the Malay Archipelago to the West Indies in 1693. These seeds produced fruit smaller than the current grapefruit today, which was more like an orange.  Since he found the grapefruit, it should be called a shaddock or a pummelo. The shaddock is sometimes used interchangeably with the pummelo.

The Detailed History

Some Cool History~

Though Captain Shaddock is given credit for starting the grapefruit production, botanists and growers aren’t
sure whether he should be called the father or the uncle. Some say the grapefruit is a cross between an
orange and the pummelo (or shaddock), while others believe that grapefruit is a natural mutant
derived from the seeds Captain Shaddock brought to the West Indies.  It is really unsure if its a hybrid or not.

The pummelo grows wild in some regions of Malaysia and Indonesia, where it is believed to have
originated. Also in the grapefruit family is the Ugli fruit, also marketed as the Uniq. Ugli, a trademarked
name, is Jamaican in origin and appears to be a hybrid of the mandarin (tangerine) and grapefruit.

By 1823, Odet Phillippe, a French Nobleman, had planted the first grapefruit grove in the United
States near Tampa, Florida. By 1840 the popularity of grapefruit was established. Within a few
decades, refrigeration made shipping less difficult and botanists had developed a "seedless" grapefruit
(less than eight seeds per fruit). By 1890 grapefruit growing was a major commercial venture in

As Northern states began getting more regular shipments around the turn of the century new varieties
were being developed, the seedy pink Foster in 1907, the seedless pink Thompson in 1913, and the
Ruby seedless red in 1929.

Where they grow... .Top.

Where is it Grown?

The United States is the major producer of grapefruit with 41% of the world’s share. It’s also the
biggest grapefruit consumer. Florida grows about 75% of the U.S. grapefruit crop in two areas of the
state, Central Florida and the Indian River. Texas is a distant second, then comes California and
Arizona. The Indian River area of Florida is such a good spot because it runs parallel to the Gulfstream
and the warm currents protect the groves from the killing frosts that sometimes occur during Florida winters.
The Indian River Grapefruit Co. is famous!

Most of the imported grapefruit comes from the Bahamas.

All those colors and kinds! .Top.


  Growers have consistently improved the flavor and sweetness of grapefruit and have worked to reduce
  the number of seeds. Most varieties found in the market today are seedless. Each grapefruit tree
  produces between 1300 to 1500 pounds of fruit annually. About 60% of the grapefruit commercial
  crop today is processed into juice and segments.

  The are two main grapefruit varieties, white and red. The white Marsh or Marsh Seedless, a Florida
  grapefruit which superseded the Duncan, has no seeds but is less flavorful than the seedier Duncan.
  (What little Duncan there is left is used for processing.) The Redblush or Ruby Red is a red or pink
  variety which was developed from the Marsh and is primarily grown in Texas.

  Marsh Seedless is also called white or golden because it has a bright yellow skin and honey colored
  meat that is firm and tart. Ruby Red or Red blush grapefruit has yellow skin with a pronounced red
  blush and flavorful, pink meat. The color of the meat can range from very pale to deeper reddish
  tones, depending on the time of year, variety and growing conditions.

  In the past few years "super red" varieties such as the Star Ruby and Rio Red have become more
  popular. The Star Ruby has a yellow skin and a deeper red color than the Ruby Red. The Rio Red
  (also called Rio Star) is similar to the Star Ruby but has an even deeper red interior color as well as a
  red blush on the skin. Other red varieties are the Ruby Sweet (also called a Henderson or Ray) which
  is seedless with very dark red flesh, and the Flame .

  Grapefruit quality depends largely on the time of year it is harvested (see Seasons) and where the fruit
  is grown. In general, Florida grapefruit is considered to have superior quality because grapefruit
  requires high heat for sweet flavor. (Though hot areas of California, Texas and Arizona also produce
  good fruit.) The Indian River Valley is one of the premier areas for Florida grapefruit, particularly for
  fruit labeled Orchid ,the name of an island in the area. Florida grapefruit has thinner rinds and is juicier
  than California grapefruit which is easier to peel.

  Because Americans have shown a preference for sweet grapefruit over tart or bitter fruit, the less
  acidic Melogold and Oroblanco varieties - both crosses between the pummelo and the grapefruit - are
  becoming more popular. Each has yellow skin and white meat.

  The pummelo, also known as the Chinese grapefruit or Shaddock, is popular in the Asia but is new to
  California and rarely seen in the Eastern United States. The largest of citrus fruits - it can be as big as a
  basketball - the pummelo has a very thick skin and white to deep pink flesh. The aromatic and sweet
  flesh has no trace of bitterness and is easily segmented.

  The fragrant Ugli is allegedly pronounced OO-gli by Jamaicans who grow this cross between a
  grapefruit and a tangerine. Ranging in size from an orange to a large grapefruit, the Ugli gets its name
  from the somewhat unattractive, russeted yellow-green skin which fits loosely over the fruit. Not
  surprisingly, this ill-fitting cloak comes off easily revealing yellow-orange fruit that is moderately sweet,
  tasting of grapefruit with hints of orange or mandarin.

When do they grow? .Top.


  Although this is a year-round fruit, the peak period for grapefruit runs from January to April when
  Florida grapefruit harvest is in full swing. As the Florida harvest slows to a trickle in late June and July,
  the California harvest picks up. Overall supplies of grapefruit are at their lowest from July through

  Some red varieties such as Ruby Sweet, Rio Star and Flame are available from October through May.
  Oroblanco and Melogolds are harvested from December through April. Summer is a bad time for citrus
  in general and especially grapefruit which is often inferior in quality but still pricey.

  Pummelo season is mid January through mid February. The Ugli is also a winter fruit but its season
  usually extends into the spring.

How do I buy these things and bring them home? .Top.


  Look for grapefruit that is smooth, thin-skinned and round or slightly flattened at each end. These will
  have the best flavor and the most juice. They should be firm, shiny and heavy in the hand for their
  size, an indication of abundant juice.

  Avoid coarse, rough-looking, puffy fruit or any with puffy protruding ends, which is an indication that
  the fruit is dry and flavorless. Good fruit should be springy to touch, not soft, wilted or flabby. Defects
  on the surface of the rind such as scale, scars, torn scratches, discoloration are minor affecting
  appearance only, not the eating quality.

  Grapefruit is ripe when picked and will not ripen further once off the tree. Store at room temperature
  for several days. Otherwise refrigerate in a plastic bag or in the crisper section of the refrigerator where
  it will keep for several weeks.

Whats in them? .Top.

Nutrition (also see facts page for nutrition label)~

  A serving of 1/2 grapefruit (154 grams, 5.5 ounces) contains 70 calories, 18 grams of carbohydrates, 1
  gram of protein, 5 grams of dietary fiber, 10% of the Daily Values (formerly the RDA) for vitamin A,
  80 % for vitamin C and 4% for calcium. Grapefruit is also a good source of folic acid and potassium.

  Some studies indicate that the pectin in grapefruit pulp (not the juice) helps lower blood cholesterol and
  may even help to dissolve the plaque that already clogs arteries. Grapefruit appears to have protective
  affects against certain forms of cancer, namely stomach and pancreatic cancer. It also is high in
  disease-fighting antioxidants, particularly the redder varieties.

  Freshly squeezed juice stored at 40 degrees retains 98% of its Vitamin C for up to a week. Eight
  ounces of fresh-squeezed juice supplies 139% to 157% of the DV for Vitamin C, while canned juice
  supplies 112% of the DV. Grapefruit juice has antiviral properties though its acidic qualities may
  aggravate heartburn in some people.

What a Grapefruit has~

Each medium grapefruit has 10 to 12 sections, 2/3 cup juice, and 3 to 4 tablespoons of grated peel.  The grapefruit is 3/4's juice.

Preparation!!!! .Top.

How to Prepare it~

Most people slice a grapefruit in half and eat it by scooping out the sections with a teaspoon, often one with a
serrated edge specifically made for this purpose. But you can try eating a grapefruit like an orange by peeling off the
skin and separating the fruit into sections.

For a change from lemon, try grapefruit grated or peeled and julienned in the same manner as a
lemon. Or make a grapefruit twist for martinis. Use fresh juice for cocktails with rum, gin or vodka.  Grapefruits are really cool and can be just as good as its fellow citrus pals.

You can also cut grapefruit into wedges for snacks. Cut the fruit in half crosswise. With the halves cut
side up, cut each into 4 or 5 wedges.  They serve it in this manner in chinese restaurants sometimes.

By the way, dont be stupid like I was once and cut it half along the wrong side.  Make sure its in between the two black dots on each end....otherwise it's really hard to eat with a spoon.

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©Kristin and Terry Grapefruitland 1999