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Me and some other people on the Jessica Central MB are trying to help the children of Casa Hogar Elim by raising money, getting donations, collecting any old clothes, toys, etc. The more people we get to help the better, so please find it in your heart to help these children.

One hundred and twenty kids without parents yearning for food. Help a child in need. Make the lives of the children of Casa Hogar Elim better. Please donate money, food, clothing, and toys, etc. Make a difference in a child's life.

More Information on Casa Hogar Elim From the Griffin’s Song Concert:

Six years ago, a woman named Lupita was shocked and saddened to see so many homeless children wandering the streets of Nuevo Laredo, a small Mexican town just across the Texas border. Determined to change this heartbreaking situation, she welcomed four children into her home and began to raise them as her own. Today, "Mama Lupita" cares for over 120 children, all of who have been orphaned, abandoned or seriously abused.

"Mama Lupita," aided only by her husband and daughter, assigns each of the older children and teenagers at Casa Hogar Elim to care for one or more of the babies or younger children, creating a strong sense of community and connection amongst the children. She calls ever gift of food and clothing a "miracle" for, with no source of income, her orphanage relies completely on donations to survive.

One such "miracle" is the friendship and involvement of Jessica Simpson, who first visited Casa Hogar Elim with her church in 1995. At that time, conditions were very poor, with dirt floors and too little space. Even today, despite continuous efforts to improve the orphanage, babies share cribs, children sleep two in a bed and on days when the orphanage does not receive donations, the children do without food, formula and diapers.

Jessica, who takes every opportunity to cuddle, play and sing with the children during her visits, is deeply committed to improving the quality life at Casa Hogar Elim. The Griffin's Song concert arose from Jessica's desire to use her voice to help "Mama Lupita" care for her children and provide them with a sense of security that their basic needs will always be met. Jessica says she finds inspiration in the children of Casa Hogar Elim, who, despite having so little, are always full of joy and eager to share.

What Jessica Simpson has to say:

The following quotes have been taken from Teen People Magazine’s Heart of Gold Award article:

"It really changed a lot of {our} lives," says Jessica to Teen People Magazine on the first time she visited the orphanage. "We were dying for a mustang or a Tommy Hilfinger shirt. These kids were dying to eat the next day. It put everything in perspective."

Jessica's motto: "When you give, you always get"
“Anything to help kids, I'll do. I want people to know that about me," says Jessica. "I'm not just a person who likes to perform and gets on stage. God put me in this position to be able to share," she says. "I try as hard as I can to be selfless about it"

From the Early Show on CBS:

"Success really isn't making it to number 1 on the billboard or seeing how many records you sell, success is being able to be in the position I'm in. The position to help kids that don't have parents, to be able to influence kids lives that need me."

"From the age of 5 I knew that kids would definitely be a big influence in my life"

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