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<center><font color=purple text size=+6><b>Sailor Pluto's Sailor Moon Sensation!</b></text></font></center>

Hi everyone! Welcome to my new Sailor Moon Web Page! I Have tons of information on the sailor scouts! Check here often for new episodes,info, downloads and more!! Hey everyone, Lil-Darien won the contest! You might be noticing the new banner ads on my page that look sorta like this: Well I know what you are thinking "Making money while your surfing the web?! Its a scam or I have to pay more then I will get or they send me all this junk mail" Well thats what I thought too untill I signed up for it to try it to see if it works. Well surprisignly it works great! You get about 50 sents for every hour you spend on the net plus 10 cents for every friend you refere. My best friend got $120.00! I got $66.00 once The only thing is you have to download a browser that is Identical to MIE 4.0 only with more add ons like a TV, chat, messenger, radio and MP3 options! Its great so please click on the banner above. You see every click I get and every time some one signs up through my site I get 20 cents. So please support my site and sign up! Thanks!! Here's Sailor Pluto's Profile: -->

Sailor Pluto
In the name of time, I am the reformation warrior, Sailor Pluto
Japanese Name: Meiou Setsuna
Name Meaning: King of Dead
Birthday: October 29, 1974
Astrological sign: Scorpio
Blood type: A
Favorite color: dark red
Hobby: shopping
Favorite food: Green Tea
Least favorite food: Eggplant
Favorite Gem Stone: garnet
Favorite subject: Physics
Worst subject: Music
Has trouble with: cockroaches
Strong point: sewing
Dream: to be a fashion designer
Height: 5'6"

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Bye the way if anybody has ICQ let me know & I will add you to my list. Or you can add me to your list. My number is #28899674

Sailor Moon fans have been here since 04/19/99
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