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Definitions of the Resolution

DISCLAIMER: Please note that by defining the following terms we are not- in any way, shape, or form -advocating that these terms are actually necessary to define. Every team should decide for itself what definitions are essential to advancing its own position or stance. For example, if an affirmative team's policy was to reduce the Coast Guard by 50%, and the resolution was that "the Coast Guard should be diminished," they would want a definition that states that "diminished" means "decreased."


[The Importance of Defining Terms|Methods of Defining Terms|Links to Online Dictionaries]

Resolved: that the 16th Amendment to the United States Constitution should be repealed.


A. from the 1983 Webster's Desk Dictionary of the English Language-

"ought to; is likely to"

B. from the 1988 Webster's II New Riverside University Dictionary-

"used to express duty or obligation; used to express probability or expectation; used to express conditionality or contingency"


A. from the 1983 Webster's Desk Dictionary of the English Language-

"to revoke or annul by express enactment"

B. from the 1988 Webster's II New Riverside University Dictionary-

"to revoke or rescind, especially by an official or formal act"

C. from the 1999 Merriam Webster Dictionary and Britannica Encyclopedia-

"to revoke or abrogate by legislative enactment"
