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Quotes 2

  • "When I was 9 years old, my uncle put me on to the Breakin' soundtrack. The first rap song I ever heard was Ice-T, 'Reckless.' From L.L. to the Fat Boys, and all that shit, I was fascinated. When L.L. first came out with I'm Bad, I wanted to do it, to rhyme. Standing in front of the mirror, I wanted to be like L.L." [his influences]

  • "A lot of my rhymes are just to get chuckles out of people. Anybody with half a brain is going to be able to tell when I'm joking and when I'm serious."

  • "Sometimes I'm real cool, but sometimes I could be a real asshole. I think everyone is like that."

  • "I would never fucking put them in a rhyme. I don't even want them wondering if I was trying to dis them. I got a lot of love for them. I grew up on that shit. The other rappers, whatever." [about the Beastie Boys]

  • "You can't control who likes you. If I got Backstreet Boy fans what am I supposed to do? Turn them away? Whoever likes my stuff, likes my stuff but just know Slim Shady is hip hop, I grew up on hip hop, it's the music I love and it's the music I respect. I respect the culture...that's me" [on his fans]

  • "I felt like it's my time to shine, I have to rip this. At that time, I felt that it was a life or death situation."

  • "I'm not alone in feeling the way I feel. I believe that a lot of people can relate to my shit--whether white, black, it doesn't matter. Everybody has been through some shit, whether it's drastic or not so drastic. Everybody gets to the point of 'I don't give a fuck.'"

  • "It was an honor to hear the words out of Dre's mouth that he liked my shit.Growing up, I was one of the biggest fans of N.W.A, from putting on the sunglasses and looking in the mirror and lipsinking to wanting to be Dr. Dre, to be Ice Cube. This is the biggest hip-hop producer ever."

  • "Infinite was me trying to figure out how I wanted my rap style to be, how I wanted to sound on the mic and present myself. It was a growing stage. I felt like Infinite was like a demo that just got pressed up."

  • "I had nothing to lose, but something to gain. If I made an album for me and it was to my satisfaction, then I succeeded. If I didn't, then my producers were going to give up on the whole rap thing we were doing. I made some shit that I wanted to hear. The Slim Shady EP, I lashed out on everybody who talked shit about me."

  • "I do say things that I think will shock people. But I don't do things to shock people. I'm not trying to be the next Tupac, but I don't know how long I'm going to be on this planet. So while I'm here, I might as well make the most of it."

  • "Anybody with a sense of humour is going to put on my album and laugh from beginning to end"

  • "Saving Private Ryan was probably the illest, sickest movie I've ever watched, and I didn't see anybody criticizing that one for violence"

  • "I grew up listening to 2 Live Crew and N.W.A. and I never went out and shot nobody"

  • "I do promote violence and I don't give a fuck" _in reply to Time Magazine

  • "I don't like rap anyways I'm just trying to get my porno career started"

  • *"Unless you want to fuck me, why do you care what I look like?"_when asked about his skin colour

  • *I hate bitches [one] fucked up and it made me look at girls as sluts."

  • "The only job I need is a blowjob"

  • "They didn't quite understand my lyrics first time around. They took everything I said literally. I'm addressing a lot of critics and I get pretty personal on this album too. That's why the album's called the Marshall Mathers LP"

  • "I was juggling around some other titles, I was thinking of another title 'Amsterdam' because I wrote four songs in two days when I was in Amsterdam. When I started to write the songs and saw which direction the album was going, it got more personal and more personal and I love the media, I thank God for the media because you give me shit to talk about. If it wasn't for you all I probably wouldn't have shit to talk about."--- Eminem On His New Albums Title

  • "For me, I still feel I'm an underground artist regardless of how many units I sell. The subject matter and the topics I rap about are still underground, they're still raw. I don't try to polish up my shit for anybody. I tell it like it is. And when you buy a Slim Shady album, you're gonna get Slim Shady. You're not gonna get birds and bees and flowers and trees. You're gonna get 'Fuck you, suck my dick, cock-sucking muthafucker', that's what you're gonna get, because that's what I'm about, and I don't feel like I have to compromise my style for anybody."--- Eminem On The Underground*

    *thanx to Don Freer for these quotes