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Hi there! Welcome to my home away from home ~Hug~ Before you begin to read about me, please turn on your speakers if you have them, and enjoy the background music that has recently been added to my pages. You will thank me for it.


Most of you know me as LadyRose. My real name is Katie. I am 36 years old and I have 2 wonderful sons whose ages are 12 and 8. Yes, they can be a handful but they are my life and my joy, as well as my inspiration to becoming a better me. I teach preschool during the school year and sign language at a camp for hearing children during the summer.


Some things I like to do in my spare time (whatever that is!) are to take long walks, read, horseback riding, writing poetry, and getting to know people from all over the world, through chatting of course!!

I believe in some important values in life, honesty and loyalty. I do not post pictures of myself or give “stats” because I find them to be unimportant in the true scheme of things. I am more interested in the inner beauty of a person than that of the outer. My famous saying, which I made up myself , “The wrapping is easily thrown away but what's inside the box can last a lifetime.”


I express lots of my emotions through my poetry so I hope you will take a moment to read of few of them and let me know what you think. My favorite flower is obviously the rose but white roses not red ~smile~ I think finding time for yourself is extremely important in maintaining your own identity, since we all seem to get so wrapped up in the lives and opinions of others.

I'm extremely passionate in most everything I do. I am as passionate in love as I am in anger, but those who know me know that I don't do anger well! ~laugh~ I have made many great friends in the Ladies Room and they know who they are...I dedicate much of my recent poetry to them.


To email me,imageClick on the horse.


Any web page would not be complete without a "Dedication to My Friends". Please click here to see mine!

Care to read some of my poems?
Can You Hear Me: Somewhere in the Shadow My Destiny
On my Angels wings Collection of Short Poems A Star so Bright
My Treasure Box Dedication to my Parents My Son
Questions My Day at the Zoo My Prayer
Do You Remember? Some More New Poems

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Though much of my poetry is dedicated to various people(and they all know who they are) my entire homepage is dedicated to one very special real time friend ~Auzzie~. It is because of his friendship and his dedication that I have this homepage at all. It
is entirely his creation and was created as a gift for me. He has been a true and loving friend and I would completely lost without him.

So to you, Auzzie, I give you my unconditional friendship, my love and my admiration. And I thank "our God" above keeping you near me when I tried so hard to chase you away!! May He always watch over us and "give us that extra drink when we are thirsty and
the marathon seems too hard to run".

All pages now with sound.

Finally, I would like to thank angelfire for letting me own my free web page. Click angelfire to get one.