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Kriseys Buddies! :)

Some Super duo sites!

Gavins Reg Page!!
Stephens page!!
Mullys Bud Page!!
GwEns page!!
Starbuckx page!
XF PHAM! Second part of this page..

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Hey you Guys!!! I just want to make a page for my buds....sooooooooo here it goes! ;)sTaRbUcKx~~~~Hey missy sissy! Im glad ur my sis, and eh hem...glad im not the only crazy one after mulders speedos and in ur face proud to be a dork! You have always been there for me and I lov ya!! Stay wacko! :P sPeCiAlMuLdErFbI~~~~Hey Brotha! *slaps a high five while really trying to grab those red speedos of urs..* ;) I MISS U!! Please come back soon, im glad to have such a freaky bro like ya! Hey ur the one that stapled "special" on my back! Never forget that! Lov ya! ToM~~~~ Hey man! Im really glad we met, from day one we clicked! ur such a sweetie and such a good and understanding friend. When I need help ur there for me...Well I want u to know we have been thru so much and Im still here for ya! Lov ya too! dAnAsCuLLy~~~~ Hey sis! We are so much alike it isnt funny! You have always been there for me and I lov ya girl. Your one of my closest best sises and friends. *pulls out her super duo condom* USE IT WISELY.....*winks over at steve(fox)* uh huh......SaNaN~~~~ Yo! Where the heck have u been? It was really kewlerness when we saw Fight The Future together! Never forget that! Your such a cool, awesome, and nice friend to have...stay hyper and funny!GoRd~~~~ Hey man! I really miss u! Emailed u back! Hope We talk again sometime soon! I love ya man, always will..stay sarcastic, cool, and sweet! (understanding too!) MuLLeRs~~~~ Do I smell....ZEBRAS?? Oh Hey girl! Just u! Well U R MY SIS, and I do have to put up with ya....but...I love u man!! You are such a good sis as well, and as long as ive known u ..u always been there for me! Stay insane, nutty in the head, and well......SUCKX TO BE U! uh..yeah! SaMMy~~~~ Hey girl! Even though u carry a hockey stick and looovee chasing us to death with it..well..I still lov ya ;)Stay hockeystick lovin! bRaNdOn~~~~ Hey dude! Man I feel like ive known ya for ages! I lov ya bro! Stay music lovin, headbangin, and sweet mosher! eRiC~~~~ Hey man!! *hands ya a scoobie doo tweet* Ur a cool person man, fun to talk to and I just lovee makin ya laugh! Stay cool! Slm~~~~ HEY! Hows things goin? Ur such a nice, sweet and cool person! Dont change!! JuZ~~~~ OK! I had to add ya ;) Even though we had our ups and downs ur an all right kinda guy ;) Stay freaky! GwEn gWeN~~~~ Hey gwen! I also feel like ive known ya for ages...geeshies! Not many people get to see miss krisey hide under the couch with pizza eh? Stay nice, and fun to talk to! (yeah..I feel like ur my clone too...)aSh~~~~ stay weird! and hyper!!! (what the hell did I just say?? ;) ) VaMp~~~~ U THA BOMB GIRL!! I lov ya! Stay kewlerness and confused ..u tha best..btw...ill sign ur guestbook dont worry..;) GaV~~~~ hey! Yes u! I lov ya man, even though ur a pm happy kinda guy, I still lov ya, stay confused, cool, pretty fly for a white guy!! ;) KeViN~~~~ Man I feel like ive known ya for ages too! Stay freaky and kewlerness...luv ya! (man...i hope i can fit everyone on here......)TpMuLdEr~~~~ Hey man! havnt seen ya in awhile but i love ya! stay kewlers!!ReMMy~~~~ Hey sis!! Stay a mad floating kinda gal!! gotta lov ya!! LaDyT~~~~ hey girl!! even though u have ur guy (5) troubles LoL...ur still the girl to talk to!! Lov ya lots! RoS~~~~ Hey man! loong time no see! miss ya! lov ya too AdWs~~~~ Its been awhile man, dont worry Ill be back to San Antonio soon...away from El paso :p Stay flirty!! and nice! Jc~~~~ Whats up?? Lov talking to ya...Its cool cause ur hyper just like me!! muwwhhaa..stay the way u r and also flirty! ;) LeO~~~~ Yeah baby yeah! Ur the guy to go to whenever theres a good kinda shag going I lov ya..stay shagoholic and cool! StEpHeN~~~~ Hey! Man! Were like twinys! It freaks me out to people...stay cool and understanding...and..ART BELL! YEAH! ok....sorries bout that..;) And im here for ya sven! PaTTi~~~~ Hey girl!! Ur like my twin sissy or somethin...Were alot alike too! Love dancin up on the bar! WoOhOo! Stay cool and funny!! XiVy~~~~ Hey! Lov ya to man! stay sarcastic and funny! PeN~~~~ Hey man! I miss ya! come baaaaccccck! lov ya! dont change ;) EbE~~~~ Hey girl where have u been? i miss ya! lov ya loads! ThRtzy~~~~ ohhh hey u sexy thang! ;) j/k i lov talkign to ya..even bout my dads music! heehee...dont change! AmY~~~~ Hey girl! i lov ya man..ur so cool and nice to talk to...ur such a good sis to me! and u dont take no shit! HA! LeAnNe~~~~ Hey girl!! whats up? stay funny and nice! We lov ya! DaNNy~~~~ Hey dude! Ur so fun and funny to talk to! Even can get naked! stay cool and freaky! FuNkY ChIcKeN~~~~ Hey man! We lov ya too! U TO CAL!! since i probaly dont have much room ill put her with ya lol...and thankies for hearin my bingo story LoL...JeSS and JeSS lol...~~~~ u both r kewlerness! orkid ur so nice and fun to talk to! lov ya! and jess! Stay cool and funny! SpIkE~~~~ Hey my typo king! whats goinon? hope we talk soon! lov ya! stay cool! ohhhhh yesssss ALMOST forgot.....last of course, but not least!(for this page that is...) cZaR~~~~ Hey!Even though U act like ur on pms all freakin month long, take things way to personal and serious...Nag? Me? ok...theres a laugh. Funny thing is ur the only one that really has probs with me. I...uhh..*looks down* really think u outta look into counseling ..U r...a Disturbed..Individual......Just a word of advice dearie...I really am concerned, however, I do hope u take my friendly advice. Take care now! NEXXXXTT! OKies heres some Other friends that ill work on for my second page! Dont wanna leave anyone out!! NaBs, MeGa, WiLLmoRe, EvA, BoOt, ApOc, SkInnEr, GaT, BaBs, CaMbOt, BeTh, CaL, CleO, GrEy, AnDrEa, WiLL, WiLLlAcE, StOnE, LeA, CaBBy, EmIlY, LiLEm, PiL, SkUlL, DaNaScUlLy4, BeE, FuZZeRs, GaMMiE, BoUdE, PaInT, LuCKyz, LuCkY, KrY, MiSS, SaFoX, JeNN, WiNg, JtT, Jjx, XfChIc, Fox12 (leanne) , DrAgOn, PhOx, CaP, GaBbIe, Rox, RoxIe, ThIa, SpEnDeR, MuFFeRs, LaNg, GoV, SuCKx, ChIngA, ChRisTinA, JeSsIcA, PhIlE, FiEnD,FaIrY, LaUgH, TiMbEr, StRaW, WiNe,SnOwY, ScUlLyMuLdErRulEneSS, ScUlLy34,ScEpScULLy, SabO, TwIsTed, LaDy, JaImEy, SaScUlLyMd,SaDaNaScULlY14,roCk,RaM,OrIoN, MuLLy99,MuLdErSgIrl, HoT4FoX,MuLdEr111, MoOn, CarTerZ, BarBie,LaCy,keLp, JoInTiE, GaDDy, MuLdErScHIc, FoXy, FoX1, FiReFlYFoxY, LaShEr, FBIDanAsCulLy,EvE8, DoUgH,Sdkx kristie..., SDksUllY,wEs, DaNaScUlLy01,BrItT, MaRiTa,LiZ, AsH2,AmI, AlIeNGaL, AlIenXF, AlEx, AleX (voo), ANDDD MORE! phew, that was kinda hard lol...If I missed ya im sorrie!! just tell me! lov all u guys and remember im here for ya..also when u need a good laugh and wanna get down and crazy! teehee, Thankx a bunch for being there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *gives everyone a BIG freakin snuggle huggle!* :)
