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as of today... february 14, 2003 . . . i have glasses!! so here is what i look like now: (hope you like me hehe)

this is my new and improved website!!! well actually its not new at all..ive had it for like 3 years now, but its definately improved ..... sign the guesbook ok? k....... thank you for coming to canterbury's hallmark and have a wonderful day!.. lol it slipped!! i have to say that at work constantly....

so anyway .... theres lots to see at my website, not that you'll all be excited to look @ it but oh well, this gives me something to do with my life. (cuz i have nothing else to

shoutouts games
the pix page.. crap!!!
mY nEwS! links!!!!!
aLL aBoUt mE!!! hApPy v-dAy!!!!!

this page was last updated on: january 26, 2003 (woo hoo) @ 7:04 PM

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'Till Spring Break'03!!!